Instantaneous center of rotation
- Instantaneous center of rotation
- Instantaneous In`stan*ta"ne*ous, a. [Cf. F. instantan['e].]
[1913 Webster]
1. Done or occurring in an instant, or without any
perceptible duration of time; as, the passage of
electricity appears to be instantaneous.
[1913 Webster]
His reason saw
With instantaneous view, the truth of things.
[1913 Webster]
2. At or during a given instant; as, instantaneous
acceleration, velocity, etc.
[1913 Webster]
{Instantaneous center of rotation} (Kinematics), in a plane
or in a plane figure which has motions both of translation
and of rotation in the plane, is the point which for the
instant is at rest.
{Instantaneous axis of rotation} (Kinematics), in a body
which has motions both of translation and rotation, is a
line, which is supposed to be rigidly united with the
body, and which for the instant is at rest. The motion of
the body is for the instant simply that of rotation about
the instantaneous axis. -- {In`stan*ta"ne*ous*ly}, adv. --
{In`stan*ta"ne*ous*ness}, n.
[1913 Webster]
The Collaborative International Dictionary of English.
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instantaneous center of rotation — akimirkinis sukimosi centras statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. instantaneous center of rotation vok. Momentandrehzentrum, n rus. мгновенная точка вращения, f pranc. centre instantané de rotation, m … Fizikos terminų žodynas
Instantaneous axis of rotation — Instantaneous In stan*ta ne*ous, a. [Cf. F. instantan[ e].] [1913 Webster] 1. Done or occurring in an instant, or without any perceptible duration of time; as, the passage of electricity appears to be instantaneous. [1913 Webster] His reason saw… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Instantaneous Center of Curvature — Bei einem mit Rädern angetriebenen Objekt müssen sich alle Achsen im Momentanpol M treffen, damit eine Bewegung möglich ist. Als rote Pfeile sind die Geschwindigkeitsvektoren der Hinterachsräder eingezeichnet. Bei einem Momentanpol handelt es… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Instantaneous — In stan*ta ne*ous, a. [Cf. F. instantan[ e].] [1913 Webster] 1. Done or occurring in an instant, or without any perceptible duration of time; as, the passage of electricity appears to be instantaneous. [1913 Webster] His reason saw With… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
centre instantané de rotation — akimirkinis sukimosi centras statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. instantaneous center of rotation vok. Momentandrehzentrum, n rus. мгновенная точка вращения, f pranc. centre instantané de rotation, m … Fizikos terminų žodynas
roll center — the point in the transverse vertical plane through any pair of wheel centers at which lateral forces may be applied to the sprung mass without producing suspension roll. Note: the roll center constitutes an idealized concept and does not… … Mechanics glossary
Rotation around a fixed axis — Rotational motion can occur around more than one axis at once, and can involve phenomena such as wobbling and precession. Rotation around a fixed axis is a special case of rotational motion, which does not involve those phenomena. The kinematics… … Wikipedia
Instant centre of rotation — The instant centre of rotation, also called instantaneous centre , for a plane figure moving in a two dimensional plane is a point in its plane around which all other points on the figure, for one instant, are rotating. This point itself is the… … Wikipedia
Instantaneously — Instantaneous In stan*ta ne*ous, a. [Cf. F. instantan[ e].] [1913 Webster] 1. Done or occurring in an instant, or without any perceptible duration of time; as, the passage of electricity appears to be instantaneous. [1913 Webster] His reason saw… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Instantaneousness — Instantaneous In stan*ta ne*ous, a. [Cf. F. instantan[ e].] [1913 Webster] 1. Done or occurring in an instant, or without any perceptible duration of time; as, the passage of electricity appears to be instantaneous. [1913 Webster] His reason saw… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English