- Interferingly
- Interferingly In`ter*fer"ing*ly, adv. By or with interference. [1913 Webster]
The Collaborative International Dictionary of English. 2000.
The Collaborative International Dictionary of English. 2000.
interferingly — adverb So as to interfere. But we are still almost as worried and as interferingly officious about his mind and his faculties as we were formerly about his body and limbs. We insist upon startling him or waving objects before his eyes to see if… … Wiktionary
interferingly — See interferer. * * * … Universalium
interferingly — in·ter·fer·ing·ly … English syllables
interferingly — adverb see interfering * * * interfērˈingly adverb • • • Main Entry: ↑interfere … Useful english dictionary
interfere — interferer, n. interferingly, adv. /in teuhr fear /, v.i., interfered, interfering. 1. to come into opposition, as one thing with another, esp. with the effect of hampering action or procedure (often fol. by with): Constant distractions interfere … Universalium
interfere — verb 1》 (interfere with) prevent from continuing or being carried out properly. ↘get in the way of. ↘handle or adjust without permission. ↘Law attempt to bribe or intimidate (a witness). 2》 intervene without invitation or necessity.… … English new terms dictionary
interfere — /ɪntəˈfɪə / (say intuh fear) verb (i) (interfered, interfering) 1. to interpose or intervene for a particular purpose: *it was outrageous for Mr Borbidge to continue to politically interfere in the CJC process. –aap news, 2000. 2. to take a part… …
interfere — v.intr. 1 (usu. foll. by with) a (of a person) meddle; obstruct a process etc. b (of a thing) be a hindrance; get in the way. 2 (usu. foll. by in) take part or intervene, esp. without invitation or necessity. 3 (foll. by with) euphem. molest or… … Useful english dictionary