Aqua vitae — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda El aqua vitae (en latín literalmente ‘agua de vida’), es un nombre arcaico para una solución acuosa concentrada de etanol. No debe ser confundida con el aquavit. El aqua vitae se preparaba típicamente destilando vino … Wikipedia Español
Aqua vitae — (Latin, “water of life”) is an archaic name for a concentrated aqueous solution of ethanol. The term originated in the Middle Ages and was originally used as a generic name for all types of distillates. It eventually came to refer specifically to … Wikipedia
aqua vitae — [vīt′ē] n. [ML, spirit distilled from wine and herbs, alcohol, lit., water of life (> ME aqua vite, brandy, Dan akvavit, Ger aquavit) < L aqua, water + gen. of vita, life: see VITAL & WHISKEY] 1. Alchemy alcohol 2. brandy or other strong… … English World dictionary
aqua vitae — лат. (аква витэ) «живая вода», т. е. водка. Толковый словарь иностранных слов Л. П. Крысина. М: Русский язык, 1998 … Словарь иностранных слов русского языка
aqua vitae — (n.) early 15c., Latin, lit. water of life, an alchemical term for unrefined alcohol. Applied to brandy, whiskey, etc. from 1540s. Cf. WHISKEY (Cf. whiskey), also Fr. eau de vie spirits, brandy, lit. water of life … Etymology dictionary
aqua vitae — aqua vi·tae .ak wə vīt ē, .äk n a strong alcoholic liquor … Medical dictionary
Aqua Vitae Bottle Store — Der Aqua Vitae Bottle Store (auch Tustin Family Home oder Toot Sweet) ist ein historisches Bauwerk in der Willis Street 134 im neuseeländischen Wellington. Er wurde am 23. Juni 1994 vom New Zealand Historic Places Trust unter Nummer 7200 als… … Deutsch Wikipedia
aqua vitae — /vuy tee, vee tee/ 1. alcohol. 2. spirituous liquor, as brandy or whiskey. [1375 1425; late ME aqua vite < L: water of life; cf. AQUAVIT, WHISKEY] * * * … Universalium
aqua vitae — noun Etymology: Middle English, from Medieval Latin, literally, water of life Date: 15th century a strong alcoholic liquor (as brandy) … New Collegiate Dictionary
aqua vitae — noun a) An aqueous solution of alcohol typically prepared by distilling wine. b) A concentrated aqueous solution of ethanol … Wiktionary