
Invertible In*vert"i*ble, a. [From {Invert}.] 1. Capable of being inverted or turned inside out. [1913 Webster]

2. (Chem.) Capable of being changed or converted; as, invertible sugar. [1913 Webster]

The Collaborative International Dictionary of English. 2000.

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  • Invertible — In*vert i*ble, a. [Pref. in not + L. vertere to turn + ible.] Incapable of being turned or changed. [1913 Webster] An indurate and invertible conscience. Cranmer. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • invertible — adj. Que se puede invertir. ☛ V. función invertible …   Diccionario de la lengua española

  • invertible — ► adjetivo Que se puede invertir: ■ los fragmentos invertibles de una melodía. * * * invertible. adj. Que se puede invertir. □ V. función invertible. * * * ► adjetivo Que se puede invertir …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • invertible — adjective Date: 1881 capable of being inverted or subjected to inversion < an invertible matrix > …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • invertible — invert ► VERB ▪ put upside down or in the opposite position, order, or arrangement. DERIVATIVES inverter noun invertible adjective. ORIGIN Latin invertere turn inside out …   English terms dictionary

  • invertible — adjective having an additive or multiplicative inverse • Ant: ↑non invertible …   Useful english dictionary

  • Invertible knot — In mathematics, especially in the area of topology known as knot theory, an invertible knot is a knot that can be continuously deformed to itself, but with its orientation reversed. A non invertible knot is any knot which does not have this… …   Wikipedia

  • Invertible matrix — In linear algebra an n by n (square) matrix A is called invertible (some authors use nonsingular or nondegenerate) if there exists an n by n matrix B such that where In denotes the n by n identity matrix and the multiplication used is ordinary… …   Wikipedia

  • Invertible sheaf — In mathematics, an invertible sheaf is a coherent sheaf S on a ringed space X , for which there is an inverse T with respect to tensor product of O X modules. That is, we have : S otimes; T isomorphic to O X , which acts as identity element for… …   Wikipedia

  • invertible matrix — apgręžiamoji matrica statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. invertible matrix vok. invertierbare Matrize, f; umkehrbare Matrix, f rus. обратимая матрица, f pranc. matrice inversible, f …   Fizikos terminų žodynas

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