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Arch — • A structure composed of separate pieces, such as stone or bricks, having the shape of truncated wedges, arranged on a curved line so as to retain their position by mutual pressure Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Arch Arch … Catholic encyclopedia
Arch+ — Beschreibung Architekturzeitschrift Verlag ARCH+ Verlag GmbH … Deutsch Wikipedia
arch — arch1 [ärch] n. [ME < OFr arche < ML arca < L arcus, arch: see ARC] 1. a curved structure, as of masonry, that supports the weight of material over an open space, as in a bridge, doorway, etc. 2. any similar structure, as a monument 3.… … English World dictionary
Arch — Basisdaten Staat: Schweiz Kanton … Deutsch Wikipedia
Arch 22 — in westlicher Richtung, also die Hauptstadt verlassend Der Arch 22 (englisch Arch, deutsch =Bogen) ist ein Triumphbogen in Banjul und stellt das Wahrzeichen Banjuls und des ganzen westafrikanischen Landes … Deutsch Wikipedia
Arch — ([aum]rch), n. [F. arche, fr. LL. arca, for arcus. See {Arc}.] 1. (Geom.) Any part of a curved line. [1913 Webster] 2. (Arch.) (a) Usually a curved member made up of separate wedge shaped solids, with the joints between them disposed in the… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Arch — Arch: Arch Linux один из дистрибутивов GNU/Linux. Arch Hurd проект по портированию Arch Linux на платформу GNU Hurd. GNU Arch система контроля версий. ARCH эконометрическая модель для описания волатильности временных рядов. Arch … Википедия
arch — arch·angel; arch·en·ceph·a·la; coun·ter·arch; ex·arch; in·arch; mon·arch; arch·angelical; ex·arch·al; … English syllables
Arch — ([ a]rch), a. [See {Arch }, pref.] 1. Chief; eminent; greatest; principal. [1913 Webster] The most arch act of piteous massacre. Shak. [1913 Webster] 2. Cunning or sly; sportively mischievous; roguish; as, an arch look, word, lad. [1913 Webster]… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Arch 22 — is a commemorative arch on the road into Banjul in The Gambia. It was built in 1996 to mark the military coup d etat which over threw the democratically elected government, and saw the rise to power on 22 July 1994 of President Yahya Jammeh and… … Wikipedia
Arch — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Arch Escudo … Wikipedia Español