
Archaic Ar*cha"ic, a. [Gr. 'archai:ko`s old-fashioned, fr. 'archai^os ancient.] Of or characterized by antiquity or archaism; antiquated; obsolescent. [1913 Webster]

The Collaborative International Dictionary of English. 2000.

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  • Archaic — may refer to a period of time preceding a classical period :*List of archaeological periods **Archaic period in Greece **Archaic period in the Americas **Early Dynastic Period of Egypt *Archaic Homo sapiens, people who lived about 300,000 to… …   Wikipedia

  • archaic — [är kā′ik] adj. [Gr archaikos < archaios, old, ancient < archein, begin] 1. belonging to an earlier period; ancient 2. antiquated; old fashioned 3. that has ceased to be used except for special purposes, as in poetry, church ritual, etc.… …   English World dictionary

  • archaic — I adjective ancient, antediluvian, antiquated, extinct, fossilized, medieval, obsolescent, obsolete, old, old fashioned, old world, outdated, outmoded, passe, prehistoric, primitive, superannuated, time worn II index antique, obsolete, old …   Law dictionary

  • archaic — (adj.) 1810, from or by influence of Fr. archaique (1776), ultimately from Gk. arkhaikos old fashioned, from arkhaios ancient, from arkhe beginning (see ARCHON (Cf. archon)). Archaical is attested from 1799 …   Etymology dictionary

  • archaic — obsolete, antiquated, antique, *old, ancient, antediluvian, venerable Antonyms: up to date Contrasted words: fresh, novel, *new, newfangled, new fashioned, modern, modernistic: fashionable, modish (see STYLISH) …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • archaic — [adj] very old ancient, antiquated, antique, bygone, obsolete, olden, old fashioned, outmoded, out of date, passé, primitive, superannuated; concepts 578,797 Ant. current, modern, new, present, young …   New thesaurus

  • archaic — ► ADJECTIVE 1) belonging to former or ancient times. 2) old or in an old fashioned style. DERIVATIVES archaically adverb. ORIGIN Greek arkhaios ancient …   English terms dictionary

  • archaic — archaically, adv. /ahr kay ik/, adj. 1. marked by the characteristics of an earlier period; antiquated: an archaic manner; an archaic notion. 2. (of a linguistic form) commonly used in an earlier time but rare in present day usage except to… …   Universalium

  • archaic — [[t]ɑː(r)ke͟ɪɪk[/t]] ADJ GRADED: usu ADJ n Archaic means extremely old or extremely old fashioned. ...archaic laws that are very seldom used... Archaic practices such as these are usually put forward by people of limited outlook. ...archaic… …   English dictionary

  • archaic — 1. noun /ɑɹˈkejɪk/ A general term for the prehistoric period intermediate between the earliest period (‘[ …   Wiktionary

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