
Catchup Catch"up, Catsup Cat"sup, n. [Probably of East Indian origin, because it was originally a kind of East Indian pickles. Cf. also Malay k[e^]chap fish sauce. --MW10.] A pureed table sauce made predominantly from tomatoes, flavored with onions, sugar, salt and spices; called also {tomato ketchup}. The term is also applied to pureed sauces containing mushrooms, walnuts, etc., being called in such cases {mushroom ketchup}, {walnut ketchup}, etc. [Written also {ketchup}.] [1913 Webster]

The Collaborative International Dictionary of English. 2000.

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  • Ketchup — (auch Ketschup) ist eine Würzsauce, die aus Tomatenmark, Essig, Zucker, Speisesalz und Gewürzen besteht und in verschiedenen Variationen und Geschmacksrichtungen angeboten wird. Der oder das Ketchup findet häufig Verwendung im Fastfood Bereich,… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Kétchup — orgánico. Paquete monodosis de kétchup. El kétchup, también conocido como salsa de tomate en …   Wikipedia Español

  • ketchup — [ kɛtʃɶp ] n. m. • 1873; calchup 1826; catsup 1821; mot angl. (catchup 1690; ketchup 1711), probablt du chin. kôetchiap ou malais kêchap ♦ Sauce à base de tomates, légèrement vinaigrée et sucrée, de couleur rouge orangé. Une bouteille de ketchup …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Ketchup — Smn std. (20. Jh.) Entlehnung. Entlehnt aus ne. ketchup, dieses aus chin. kôechiap, kêtsiap Fischtunke .    Ebenso ne. ketchup, nfrz. ketchup, nndl. ketchup, nschw. ketchup, nnorw. ketchup. ✎ Rey Debove/Gagnon (1988), 468; Carstensen 2 (1994),… …   Etymologisches Wörterbuch der deutschen sprache

  • ketchup — KÉTCHUP s.n. Sos picant preparat din suc de roşii, oţet şi mirodenii. [pr.: chéciăp] – cuv. engl. Trimis de cata, 14.07.2004. Sursa: DEX 98  KETCHUP [pr.: chéci ăp] n. Sos picant preparat din suc de roşii, oţet şi mirodenii. / cuv. engl …   Dicționar Român

  • ketchup — ketch up, n. [Probably of East Indian origin, because it was originally a kind of East Indian pickles. Cf. also Malay k[e^]chap fish sauce. MW10.] A pureed table sauce made predominantly from tomatoes, flavored with onions, sugar, salt and… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • kétchup — ‘Salsa de tomate condimentada con vinagre y especias’. Es voz de origen chino, que el español ha tomado del inglés, lengua en la que se escribe de tres formas: ketchup la más cercana a la etimología y única usada en el inglés británico , catchup… …   Diccionario panhispánico de dudas

  • ketchup — (n.) 1711, said to be from Malay kichap, but probably not original to Malay. It might have come from Chinese koechiap brine of fish, which, if authentic, perhaps is from the Chinese community in northern Vietnam [Terrien de Lacouperie, in… …   Etymology dictionary

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  • ketchup — [kech′əp] n. [? via Malay kēchap, a fish sauce < Chin ke tsiap] a sauce for meat, fish, etc.; esp., a thick sauce (tomato ketchup) made of tomatoes flavored with onion, salt, sugar, etc …   English World dictionary

  • Ketchup — (engl.), s. Catchup …   Pierer's Universal-Lexikon

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