
Kipling Kipling prop. n. Rudyard Kipling, English author (1865-1936). He was born at Bombay, India in 1865, the son of John Lockwood Kipling, who was formerly head of the Lahore School of Industrial Art. He was educated in England and returned to India in 1880 as editor of the ``Lahore Civil and Military Gazette.'' He returned to England about 1889, and lived several years in the United States. While in India he published stories, sketches, and poems descriptive of India and Anglo-Indian military and civil life: `` Departmental Ditties, etc.'', ``Plain Tales from the Hills'', ``Mine Own People'', ``Soldiers Three'', ``Barrack-room Ballads, etc.'', and others. After leaving India he published ``The Light That Failed,'' ``Naulahka'' (with Balestier), ``Many Inventions,'' ``The Jungle Book,'' ``The Second Jungle Book,'' ``The Seven Seas,'' ``Captains Courageous,'' ``The White Man's Burden,'' ``Kim,'' ``The Man Who Would Be King and Other Stories,'' and others.

Syn: Rudyard Kipling. [WordNet 1.5 + Century Dict. 1906]

The Collaborative International Dictionary of English. 2000.

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