Knight's fee

Knight's fee
Knight's fee Knight's fee (Feudal Law) The fee of a knight; specif., the amount of land the holding of which imposed the obligation of knight service, being sometimes a {hide[1](b)} or less, sometimes six or more hides. [Webster 1913 Suppl.]

The Collaborative International Dictionary of English. 2000.

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  • Knight's fee — was a feudal term used in mediæval England and Anglo Norman Ireland to describe the value of land. It is also sometimes called scutage.Feudalism was a system under which the land was exchanged for military service, thus everything was based on… …   Wikipedia

  • Knight’s fee — Die Knight s fee ist eine mittelalterliche Einheit, die in England und der Normandie beschrieb, wie viel ein zum Lehen genommenes Stück Land wert war bzw. welche Steuer dafür gezahlt werden musste. Als Knight s fee wird auch dieser besondere Typ… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Knight's fee — Die Knight s fee ist eine mittelalterliche Einheit, die in England und der Normandie beschrieb, wie viel ein zum Lehen genommenes Stück Land wert war bzw. welche Steuer dafür gezahlt werden musste. Als Knight s fee wird auch dieser besondere Typ… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Knight's Fee — In theory, a Fief which provided sufficient revenue to equip and support one knight. This was approximately twelve hides or 1500 acres, although the terms applied more to revenue a fief could generate than its size; it required about thirty marks …   Medieval glossary

  • Knight’s Fee — In theory, a fief which provides sufficient revenue to equip and support one knight. This is approximately five to twelve hides or about 1500 acres, although the terms applies more to revenue a fief can generate than its size; it requires about… …   Medieval glossary

  • knight's fee — noun Etymology: Middle English knightes fee : the amount of land the holding of which imposed the obligation of knight service, being sometimes a hide or less and sometimes six or more hides …   Useful english dictionary

  • Knight's fee — That area of land required for the service of one *knight. This was the essence of the obligation of military service in the 12c and 13c. Land was granted by a *tenant in chief to a knight, who would answer the king s summons to provide a certain …   Dictionary of Medieval Terms and Phrases

  • Knight's fee — In theory, a fief which provides sufficient revenue to equip and support one knight. This is approximately twelve hides or 1500 Acres, although the terms applies more to revenue a fief can generate than its size; it requires about thirty marks… …   Medieval glossary

  • knight's fee — An estate sufficiently large to maintain a knight …   Ballentine's law dictionary

  • Knight-service — was the dominant and distinctive tenure of land as a fief associated with a knight under the English feudal system.Early historyIt is associated in its origin with that development in warfare which made the mailed horseman, armed with lance and… …   Wikipedia

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