labialism — /lay bee euh liz euhm/, n. a tendency, sometimes habitual, to make sounds labial, as in pronouncing the l in love as a w like sound. [1880 85; LABIAL + ISM] * * * … Universalium
labialism — noun A form of stammering characterized by confusion in the use of the labial consonants … Wiktionary
labialism — A form of stammering in which there is confusion in the use of the labial consonants. * * * la·bi·al·ism lā bē ə .liz əm n a speech defect characterized by the substitution of one labial sound for another or of a labial for another type of sound… … Medical dictionary
labialism — n. tendency to pronounce sounds through partly closed lips … English contemporary dictionary
labialism — /lay bee euh liz euhm/, n. a tendency, sometimes habitual, to make sounds labial, as in pronouncing the l in love as a w like sound. [1880 85; LABIAL + ISM] … Useful english dictionary
labial — a. pertaining to lips or labia; pronounced with lips; n. such sound, as p, w. ♦ labiate, a. lipped; v.t. labialize. ♦ labialize, v.t. make labial in pronunciation. ♦ labialism, n … Dictionary of difficult words
labial — adj. & n. adj. 1 a of the lips. b Zool. of, like, or serving as a lip, a liplike part, or a labium. 2 Dentistry designating the surface of a tooth adjacent to the lips. 3 Phonet. (of a sound) requiring partial or complete closure of the lips (e.g … Useful english dictionary