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lagopous — ləˈgōpəs adjective Etymology: Greek lagōpous ptarmigan, a plant (literally, rough footed like a hare) : having hairy rhizomes suggestive of the foot of a hare * * * lagopous, a. Bot. (ləˈgəʊpəs) [f. mod.L. lagōp us (see lagopus) + ous.] … Useful english dictionary
lagopous — la·go·pous … English syllables
List of English words without rhymes — The following is a list of English words without rhymes, or refractory rhymes, i.e., a list of words in the English language which rhyme with no other English words in the strict sense that they are pronounced in the same way from the vowel sound … Wikipedia
lagopo — (del lat. «lagōpus», del gr. «lagṓpous») m. *Pie de liebre (planta leguminosa). * * * lagopo. (Del lat. lagōpus, y este del gr. λαγώπους). m. pie de liebre. * * * ► masculino BOTÁNICA Pie de liebre … Enciclopedia Universal
lagopo — la·gò·po s.m. TS ornit. → lagopode {{line}} {{/line}} DATA: sec. XX. ETIMO: dal lat. scient. Lagōpus, vd. lago e po, cfr. gr. lagōpous che ha zampe simili a quelle della lepre … Dizionario italiano
lag- — combining form or lago Etymology: New Latin, from Latin, from Greek lagō , from lagōs : hare lagophthalmos … Useful english dictionary