Lath brick

Lath brick
Lath Lath, n.; pl. {Laths}. [OE. laththe, latthe, latte, AS. l[ae]tta; akin to D. lat, G. latte, OHG. latta; cf. W. llath a rod, staff, yard. Cf. {Lattice}, {Latten}.] A thin, narrow strip of wood, nailed to the rafters, studs, or floor beams of a building, for the purpose of supporting the tiles, plastering, etc. A corrugated metallic strip or plate is sometimes used. [1913 Webster]

{Lath brick}, a long, slender brick, used in making the floor on which malt is placed in the drying kiln.

{Lath nail} a slender nail for fastening laths. [1913 Webster]

The Collaborative International Dictionary of English. 2000.

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