Mendicant orders — For the Stanford University a cappella group, see Mendicants. The mendicant orders are religious orders which depend directly on the charity of the people for their livelihood. In principle, they do not own property, either individually or… … Wikipedia
Mendicant orders — term for the friars; the term refers to begging because of their dependence on alms for their support … Medieval glossary
mendicant orders — Нищенствующие ордены … Вестминстерский словарь теологических терминов
Mendicant Friars — • Members of those religious orders which, originally, by vow of poverty renounced all proprietorship not only individually but also (and in this differing from the monks) in common, relying for support on their own work and on the charity of the … Catholic encyclopedia
Mendicant — Men di*cant, a. [L. mendicans, antis, p. pr. of mendicare to beg, fr. mendicus beggar, indigent.] Practicing beggary; begging; living on alms; as, mendicant friars. [1913 Webster] {Mendicant orders} (R. C. Ch.), certain monastic orders which are… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
mendicant — /men di keuhnt/, adj. 1. begging; practicing begging; living on alms. 2. pertaining to or characteristic of a beggar. n. 3. a person who lives by begging; beggar. 4. a member of any of several orders of friars that originally forbade ownership of … Universalium
Mendicant — Begging Sōtō monk … Wikipedia
mendicant — [men′di kənt] adj. [L mendicans (gen. mendicantis), prp. of mendicare, to beg < mendicus, needy: for base see MENDACIOUS] 1. asking for alms; begging 2. of or characteristic of a beggar 3. designating or of any of various religious orders… … English World dictionary
mendicant — men•di•cant [[t]ˈmɛn dɪ kənt[/t]] adj. 1) begging; living on alms 2) pertaining to or characteristic of a beggar 3) rel of or pertaining to various religious orders, as the Dominicans or the Franciscans, that combine the monastic life with an… … From formal English to slang
Mendicant — One who lived on alms; a mendicant *friar belonging to of one of the three orders, *Franciscan, *Dominican, *Carmelite. Their members lived on alms while travelling in the world beyond their monastery on the look out for and preaching against… … Dictionary of Medieval Terms and Phrases