
Minstrel Min"strel, n. [OE. minstrel, menestral, OF. menestrel, fr. LL. ministerialis servant, workman (cf. ministrellus harpist), fr. L. ministerium service. See {Ministry}, and cf. {Ministerial}.] In the Middle Ages, one of an order of men who subsisted by the arts of poetry and music, and sang verses to the accompaniment of a harp or other instrument; in modern times, a poet; a bard; a singer and harper; a musician. --Chaucer. [1913 Webster]

The Collaborative International Dictionary of English. 2000.

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  • minstrel — mìnstrel m DEFINICIJA glazb. 1. pov. a. v. menestrel b. svirač i pjevač u srednjovjekovnoj Engleskoj, putujući ili stalno na dvoru; u širem smislu zabavljač, pripovjedač, žongler, akrobat 2. šoumen u SAD u, obično kombinira pjevanje, komiku i… …   Hrvatski jezični portal

  • minstrel — [min′strəl] n. [ME menestrel < OFr, minstrel, servant, orig., official < LL ministerialis, imperial officer < L ministerium,MINISTRY] 1. any of a medieval class of entertainers who traveled from place to place: known esp. for singing and …   English World dictionary

  • minstrel — (n.) early 13c., from O.Fr. menestrel entertainer, poet, musician; servant, workman; good for nothing, rogue, from M.L. ministralis servant, jester, singer, from L.L. ministerialem (nom. ministerialis) imperial household officer, one having an… …   Etymology dictionary

  • minstrel — bard, troubadour, *poet, versifier, rhymer, rhymester, poetaster …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • minstrel — ► NOUN ▪ a medieval singer or musician. ORIGIN Old French menestral entertainer, servant , from Latin ministerialis officer …   English terms dictionary

  • minstrel — /min streuhl/, n. 1. a medieval poet and musician who sang or recited while accompanying himself on a stringed instrument, either as a member of a noble household or as an itinerant troubadour. 2. a musician, singer, or poet. 3. one of a troupe… …   Universalium

  • Minstrel — For the 19th century American form of music and performance known as minstrelsy, see minstrel show. For the chocolate sweets sold in the UK, see Minstrels (chocolate). For the Irish patriotic song, see The Minstrel Boy. Jongleur redirects here.… …   Wikipedia

  • Minstrel — Plakat für eine Minstrel Show von William H. West, um 1900 Als Minstrel wurde eine im 19. Jahrhundert populäre Form der Unterhaltungsmusik in den USA bezeichnet. Die Minstrel Musik begann in den 1830er Jahren bekannt zu werden und löste sich… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Minstrel — El Minstrel (usualmente en inglés, dicho en plural, los minstrels, o adjetivado, minstrelsy) era un género teatral musical, típicamente norteamericano, cuyo periodo de mayor esplendor se sitúa entre 1840 y 1900. Se trataba de un género que, de… …   Wikipedia Español

  • Minstrel — Mịns|trel auch: Mịnst|rel 〈m. 6; in England u. Frankreich im MA〉 Sänger, Spielmann im Dienst eines Fürsten [engl., <afrz. menestrel „Diener, Spielmann“] * * * Minstrel   [ mɪnstrəl; englisch, von Menestrel] der, s/ s,    1) Bezeichnung für… …   Universal-Lexikon

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