Molecular weight

Molecular weight
Molecular Mo*lec"u*lar, a. [Cf. F. mol['e]culare. See {Molecule}.] (Phys. & Chem.) Pertaining to, connected with, produced by, or consisting of, molecules; as, molecular forces; molecular groups of atoms, etc. [1913 Webster]

{Molecular attraction} (Phys.), attraction acting between the molecules of bodies, and at insensible distances.

{Molecular weight} (Chem.), the weight of a molecule of any gas or vapor as compared with the hydrogen atom having weight of 1 as a standard; the sum of the atomic weights of the constituents of a molecule; thus, the molecular weight of water ({H2O}) is 18. For more precise measurements, the weight of the carbon isotope carbon-12 is used as the standard, that isotope having the value of 12.000. In this systen, now used almost universally, the hydrogen atom has a weight of 1.0079. [1913 Webster +PJC]

The Collaborative International Dictionary of English. 2000.

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