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mouldable — adjective Able to be moulded; plastic … Wiktionary
mouldable — mould·able … English syllables
mouldable — adjective see moldable … Useful english dictionary
Moldable — Mold a*ble, Mouldable Mould a*ble, a. Capable of being molded or formed. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Chalcogenide glass — A chalcogenide glass (hard ch as in chemistry ) is a glass containing one or more chalcogenide elements. These are Group 16 in the periodic table e.g. sulfur, selenium or tellurium. Such glasses are covalently bonded materials and may be… … Wikipedia
Antique radio — DIORA AGA RSZ 50 ca.1947 from Poland An antique radio is a radio receiving set that is collectible because of its age and rarity. Although collectors may differ on the cutoff dates, most would use 50 years old, or the pre World War II Era, for… … Wikipedia
Composition ornament — Compo is a mouldable resin worked either by hand or more usually pressed into moulds to produce decorative work. It s now most commonly seen as part of gilded picture frames, but was in use for many smaller decorative mouldings from the later… … Wikipedia
plastic — [16] Plastic is etymologically a ‘mouldable’ substance. The word comes via French plastique and Latin plasticus from Greek plastikós ‘fit for moulding’, a derivative of the verb plássein ‘mould’ (source also of English plasma [18] and plaster).… … The Hutchinson dictionary of word origins
moldable — (adj.) also mouldable, 1620s, from MOLD (Cf. mold) (v.) + ABLE (Cf. able). Related: Moldably; moldability … Etymology dictionary
mould — mould1 (US mold) noun 1》 a hollow container used to give shape to molten or hot liquid material when it cools and hardens. 2》 a dish made in a mould, such as a mousse. 3》 a distinctive form, style, or character: a superb striker in the same mould … English new terms dictionary