
Noisome Noi"some, a. [For noysome, fr. noy for annoy. See {Annoy}.] 1. Noxious to health; hurtful; mischievous; unwholesome; insalubrious; destructive; as, noisome effluvia. ``Noisome pestilence.'' --Ps. xci. 3. [1913 Webster]

2. Offensive to the smell or other senses; disgusting; fetid. ``Foul breath is noisome.'' --Shak. [1913 Webster] -- {Noi"some*ly}, adv. -- {Noi"some*ness}, n. [1913 Webster]

Syn: Noxious; unwholesome; insalubrious; mischievous; destructive.

Usage: {Noisome}, {Noxious}. These words have to a great extent been interchanged; but there is a tendency to make a distinction between them, applying noxious to things that inflict evil directly; as, a noxious plant, noxious practices, etc., and noisome to things that operate with a remoter influence; as, noisome vapors, a noisome pestilence, etc. Noisome has the additional sense of disqusting. A garden may be free from noxious weeds or animals; but, if recently covered with manure, it may be filled with a noisome smell. [1913 Webster]

The Collaborative International Dictionary of English. 2000.

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  • noisome — (adj.) late 14c., harmful, noxious, from noye harm, misfortune, shortened form of anoi annoyance (from O.Fr. anoier, see ANNOY (Cf. annoy)) + SOME (Cf. some). Meaning bad smelling first recorded 1570s. Related: Noisomeness …   Etymology dictionary

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  • noisome — [noi′səm] adj. [ME noyesum < noy, aphetic < anoy < OFr anoi: see ANNOY & SOME1] 1. injurious to health; harmful 2. having a bad odor; foul smelling noisomely adv. noisomeness n …   English World dictionary

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  • noisome — adjective Etymology: Middle English noysome, from noy annoyance, alteration of anoi, from Anglo French anui, from anuier to harass, annoy more at annoy Date: 14th century 1. noxious, harmful 2. a. offensive to the senses and especially to the… …   New Collegiate Dictionary

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