
Officinal Of*fic"i*nal, a. [F., fr. L. officina a workshop, contr. fr. opificina, fr. opifex a workman; opus work + facere to make or do.] 1. Used in a shop, or belonging to it. [Obs. or R.] --Johnson. [1913 Webster]

2. (Pharm.) Kept in stock by apothecaries; -- said of such drugs and medicines as may be obtained without special preparation or compounding; not {magistral}. [1913 Webster]

Note: This term is often interchanged with official, but in strict use officinal drugs are not necessarily official. See {Official}, a., 3. [1913 Webster]

The Collaborative International Dictionary of English. 2000.

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  • officinal — officinal, ale, aux [ ɔfisinal, o ] adj. • 1762; « de boutique » déb. XVIe; de officine 1 ♦ Pharm. Se dit d une préparation faite dans l officine d une pharmacie, selon les prescriptions du codex, prête à être délivrée (opposé à magistral). 2 ♦… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • officinal — (adj.) kept in stock by a druggist, c.1720, from Fr. officinal, from M.L. officinalis, lit. of or belonging in an officina, a storeroom (of a monastery) for medicines and necessaries, in classical Latin workshop, laboratory, contraction of… …   Etymology dictionary

  • officinal — [ə fis′i nəl] adj. [ML officinalis < officina, storeroom (of a monastery) < L, workshop, contr. of opificina < opifex, worker: see OFFICE] Obs. commonly kept in stock in a pharmacy: said of products or drugs dispensed without… …   English World dictionary

  • officinal — officinal, ale (o fi si nal, na l ) adj. Qui se trouve dans l officine.    Compositions officinales, médicaments qui doivent se trouver tout préparés chez les pharmaciens, par opposition à compositions magistrales.    Plantes officinales, celles… …   Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré

  • officinal — Denoting a chemical or pharmaceutical preparation kept in stock, in contrast to magistral (prepared extemporaneously according to a physician s prescription); an o. preparation is often, though not necessarily, official. [L. officina, shop] * * * …   Medical dictionary

  • Officinal — Lungwort (Pulmonaria officinalis) the plant s botanical name suggests its pharmaceutical use Officinal is a term applied in medicine to drugs, plants and herbs, which are sold in a chemist or druggist shop, and to medical preparations of such… …   Wikipedia

  • officinal — adjective Etymology: Medieval Latin officinalis of a storeroom, from officina storeroom, from Latin, workshop, from opific , opifex workman, from opus work + facere to do Date: circa 1720 medicinal < a monograph on officinal flora > …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • officinal — officinally, adv. /euh fis euh nl/, adj. 1. kept in stock by apothecaries, as a drug. Cf. magistral (def. 1). 2. recognized by a pharmacopoeia. n. 3. an officinal medicine. [1710 20; < ML officinalis of a store or workshop, equiv. to L officin(a) …   Universalium

  • officinal — /ɒfəˈsaɪnəl/ (say ofuh suynuhl), /ɒˈfɪsənəl/ (say o fisuhnuhl) adjective 1. kept in stock by pharmacists, as a drug. Compare magistral (def. 1). 2. recognised by the pharmacopoeia. –noun 3. an officinal medicine. {Medieval Latin officīnālis, from …  

  • officinal — adj.. A1) herbe // plante officinal officinale // médicinale : arbolan na nf. (Massongy), arbolinna (Montricher) ; êrba ke léve l mâ <herbe qui enlève le mal> (Arvillard) …   Dictionnaire Français-Savoyard

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