omphalomesenteric — 1. Term denoting relationship of the midgut to the yolk sac. As the head and tail folds of the embryo continue to form, this relationship is diminished and is represented by a narrow yolk stalk or vitellin … Medical dictionary
omphalomesenteric — |äm(p)fə(ˌ)lō+ adjective Etymology: omphal + mesenteric : of or relating to the umbilicus and mesentery the omphalomesenteric arteries of an embryo … Useful english dictionary
Omphalomesenteric duct cyst — Omphalomesenteric duct cysts (ODC, also known as an omphalomesenteric duct remnant or vitelline cyst) are developmental defects relating to the closure of the omphalomesenteric duct. It usually disintegrates within six weeks of gestation, but… … Wikipedia
omphalomesenteric artery — n an artery that arises in a vertebrate embryo from the aorta or one of the aortic trunks of the embryo, is distributed by numerous branches over the yolk sac, and is usu. paired called also vitelline artery … Medical dictionary
omphalomesenteric duct — n the duct by which the yolk sac or umbilical vesicle remains connected with the alimentary tract of the vertebrate embryo called also vitelline duct, yolk stalk … Medical dictionary
omphalomesenteric vein — n any of the veins in a vertebrate embryo that return the blood from the yolk sac to the heart or later to the portal vein and in mammals have their function of bringing nutriment to the embryo superseded early by that of the umbilical vein… … Medical dictionary
omphalomesenteric duct cyst — a cyst formed by failure of closure of part of the yolk stalk (omphalomesenteric duct); it may be at the umbilicus and visible on the skin, or more internally along the duct. Called also umbilical or vitellointestinal c … Medical dictionary
omphalomesenteric — om·pha·lo·mesenteric … English syllables
omphalomesenteric fistula — an abnormal passageway between the umbilicus and the terminal ileum, formed by persistence of the intraembryonic part of the yolk stalk … Medical dictionary
omphalomesenteric veins — vitelline v s … Medical dictionary