
Aurochs Au"rochs ([add]"r[o^]ks), n. [G. auerochs, OHG. [=u]rohso; [=u]r (cf. AS. [=u]r) + ohso ox, G. ochs. Cf. {Owre}, {Ox}.] (Zo["o]l.) The European bison ({Bison bonasus}, or {Bison Europ[ae]us}), once widely distributed, but now nearly extinct, except where protected in the Lithuanian forests, and perhaps in the Caucasus. It is distinct from the Urus of C[ae]sar, with which it has often been confused. [1913 Webster]

The Collaborative International Dictionary of English. 2000.

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  • aurochs — [ ɔrɔk ] n. m. • 1752; ouroflz 1414; all. Auerochs, de Ochs « bœuf » et germ. Auer qui a donné le lat. urus → urus ♦ Grand bœuf d Europe (bovidés), proche du zébu d Asie, dont la race est éteinte. Corne d aurochs. ● aurochs nom masculin (moyen… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • aurochs — 1766, misapplication to the European bison (Bos bison) of a word that actually refers to a species of wild ox (Bos ursus) that went extinct 17c., from Ger. Aurochs, from O.H.G. urohso, from uro aurochs (cognate with O.E. ur, O.N. ürr), of unknown …   Etymology dictionary

  • aurochs — [ô′räks΄] n. pl. aurochs [Ger auerochs < OHG ūrohso < ūr, aurochs (< IE base * wer , damp > URINE & names of male animals, as L verres, boar, Sans vr̥ṣabháḥ, bull) + ohso, OX] 1. Rare WISENT 2. URUS …   English World dictionary

  • aurochs — m. Uro: especie de bisonte de Europa, ya extinguido …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • Aurochs — Not to be confused with Wisent. Aurochs Temporal range: Late Pliocene to Holocene An Aurochs, from a 19th century copy of a painting owned by a merchant in Augsburg. The original probably dates to the 16th century …   Wikipedia

  • Aurochs — Pour les articles homonymes, voir Urús.  Pour l’article homophone, voir Oroch …   Wikipédia en Français

  • aurochs — /awr oks/, n., pl. aurochs. 1. a large, black European wild ox, Bos primigenius: extinct since 1627. 2. (not used scientifically) the European bison. [1760 70; < G, var. (now obs.) of Auerochs, MHG urochse, OHG urohso, equiv. to ur (c. OE ur… …   Universalium

  • aurochs — noun (plural aurochs) Etymology: German, from Old High German ūrohso, from ūro aurochs + ohso ox; akin to Old English ūr aurochs more at ox Date: 1766 an extinct large long horned wild ox (Bos primigenius) of Europe that is the ancestor of… …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • aurochs — tauras statusas T sritis zoologija | vardynas taksono rangas rūšis apibrėžtis Išnykęs. atitikmenys: lot. Bos primigenius angl. aurochs; urus; wild ox vok. Auerochse; Ur rus. бык тур; первобытный бык; тур pranc. aurochs ryšiai: platesnis terminas… …   Žinduolių pavadinimų žodynas

  • aurochs — /ˈɔrɒks/ (say awroks) noun (plural aurochs) 1. a large wild European bovine, Bos primigenius, domesticated during the Stone Age, now extinct; urus. 2. → wisent. {German, variant of Auerochs, Middle High German ūr ochse, from ūr (related to Old… …  

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