
Perigee Per"i*gee, Perigeum Per`i*ge"um, n. [NL. perigeum, fr. Gr. ? about, near + ? the earth: cf. F. p['e]rig['e]e.] (Astron.) That point, in the orbit of the moon or other body orbiting the earth, which is nearest to the earth; -- opposed to {apogee}. It is sometimes, but rarely, used of the nearest points of bodies not orbiting the earth, such as of a comet, a planet, etc. Called also {epigee}, {epigeum}. [1913 Webster +PJC]

The Collaborative International Dictionary of English. 2000.

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  • epigee — Perigee Per i*gee, Perigeum Per i*ge um, n. [NL. perigeum, fr. Gr. ? about, near + ? the earth: cf. F. p[ e]rig[ e]e.] (Astron.) That point, in the orbit of the moon or other body orbiting the earth, which is nearest to the earth; opposed to… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • epigeum — Perigee Per i*gee, Perigeum Per i*ge um, n. [NL. perigeum, fr. Gr. ? about, near + ? the earth: cf. F. p[ e]rig[ e]e.] (Astron.) That point, in the orbit of the moon or other body orbiting the earth, which is nearest to the earth; opposed to… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Perigee — Per i*gee, Perigeum Per i*ge um, n. [NL. perigeum, fr. Gr. ? about, near + ? the earth: cf. F. p[ e]rig[ e]e.] (Astron.) That point, in the orbit of the moon or other body orbiting the earth, which is nearest to the earth; opposed to {apogee}. It …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • perigee — noun Etymology: Middle French, from New Latin perigeum, from Greek perigeion, from neuter of perigeios near the earth, from peri + gē earth Date: 1594 the point in the orbit of an object (as a satellite) orbiting the earth that is nearest to the… …   New Collegiate Dictionary

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  • perigee — perigeal, perigean, adj. /per i jee /, n. Astron. the point in the orbit of a heavenly body, esp. the moon, or of an artificial satellite at which it is nearest to the earth. See diag. under apogee. [1585 95; < F perigée < NL perigeum, perigaeum… …   Universalium

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  • perigee — (n.) point at which a celestial body is nearest the Earth, 1590s, from Mod.L. perigeum (15c.), from Late Gk. peregeion, used by Ptolemy as a noun, properly neuter of adjective perigeios near the earth, from peri ges, from peri near (see PERI (Cf …   Etymology dictionary

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