
Plebiscite Pleb"i*scite, n. [F. pl['e]biscite, fr. L. plebiscitum.] A vote by universal male suffrage; especially, in France, a popular vote, as first sanctioned by the National Constitution of 1791. [Written also {plebiscit}.] [1913 Webster]

Plebiscite we have lately taken, in popular use, from the French. --Fitzed. Hall. [1913 Webster]

The Collaborative International Dictionary of English. 2000.

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  • plébiscite — [ plebisit ] n. m. • 1355; lat. plebiscitum, proprt « décision du peuple » 1 ♦ Antiq. Décision, loi votée par l assemblée de la plèbe. 2 ♦ Vieilli Vote direct du corps électoral par oui ou par non, sur une question qu on lui soumet. ⇒ référendum …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Plebiscite — Plébiscite Un plébiscite (du latin plebs (qui renvoie au français plèbe), et scitum (signifiant décision), selon un système analogue à la décision prise par les concilia plebis = assemblée de la plèbe) est une consultation sur le désir d une… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • plebiscite — direct vote of the people, 1860 (originally in reference to Italian unification), from Fr. plébiscite (1776 in modern sense), from L. plebiscitum a decree or resolution of the people, from plebs (gen. plebis) the common people + scitum decree,… …   Etymology dictionary

  • plebiscite — plebiscite, referendum Plebiscite is pronounced pleb i sit in BrE and usually pleb i siyt in AmE. The term is most commonly used of a direct vote of a State s electors on a fundamental matter, and is not used with reference to the UK. A… …   Modern English usage

  • plebiscite — ► NOUN 1) the direct vote of all the members of an electorate on an important public question. 2) (in ancient Rome) a law enacted by the plebeians assembly. DERIVATIVES plebiscitary adjective. ORIGIN French plébiscite, from Latin plebs the common …   English terms dictionary

  • plebiscite — [pleb′ə sīt΄] n. [Fr plébiscite < L plebiscitum < plebs, PLEBS + scitum, decree, neut. pp. of scire, to know: see SCIENCE] an expression of the people s will by direct ballot on a political issue, as in choosing between independent… …   English World dictionary

  • plebiscite — I noun ballot, choice, election, mandate, poll, referendum, vote II index election (selection by vote), poll (casting of votes), referendum Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton …   Law dictionary

  • plebiscite — *mandate, initiative, referendum …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • Plébiscite — Un plébiscite (du latin plebs, qui renvoie au français « plèbe », et scitum, signifiant « décision », selon un système analogue à la décision prise par les concilia plebis : « assemblée de la plèbe ») est une… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • plebiscite — n. 1) to conduct, hold a plebiscite 2) a plebiscite to + inf. (a plebiscite to determine the status of a territory) * * * [ plebɪs(a)ɪt] hold a plebiscite to conduct a plebiscite to + inf. (a plebiscite to determine the status of a territory) …   Combinatory dictionary

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