Primitive sheath

Primitive sheath
Sheath Sheath, n. [OE. schethe, AS. sc[=ae][eth], sce['a][eth], sc[=e][eth]; akin to OS. sk[=e][eth]ia, D. scheede, G. scheide, OHG. sceida, Sw. skida, Dan. skede, Icel. skei[eth]ir, pl., and to E. shed, v.t., originally meaning, to separate, to part. See {Shed}.] 1. A case for the reception of a sword, hunting knife, or other long and slender instrument; a scabbard. [1913 Webster]

The dead knight's sword out of his sheath he drew. --Spenser. [1913 Webster]

2. Any sheathlike covering, organ, or part. Specifically: (a) (Bot.) The base of a leaf when sheathing or investing a stem or branch, as in grasses. (b) (Zo["o]l.) One of the elytra of an insect. [1913 Webster]

{Medullary sheath}. (Anat.) See under {Medullary}.

{Primitive sheath}. (Anat.) See {Neurilemma}.

{Sheath knife}, a knife with a fixed blade, carried in a sheath.

{Sheath of Schwann}. (Anat.) See {Schwann's sheath}. [1913 Webster]

The Collaborative International Dictionary of English. 2000.

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