
Reservoir Res"er*voir` (r[e^]z"[~e]r*vw[^o]r`; 277), n. [F. r['e]servoir, fr. LL. reservatorium. See {Reservatory}.] 1. A place where anything is kept in store; especially, a place where water is collected and kept for use when wanted, as to supply a fountain, a canal, or a city by means of aqueducts, or to drive a mill wheel, or the like. [1913 Webster]

2. (Bot.) A small intercellular space, often containing resin, essential oil, or some other secreted matter. [1913 Webster]

3. (Med.) a large quantity of infectious microorganisms resident in animals other than man, potentially capable of being transmitted to humans. [PJC]

3. (Med.) a large quantity of infectious microorganisms or parasites resident in animals other than man, potentially capable of being transmitted to humans; especially, such organisms in animals where they do little or no harm to the host. [PJC]

4. a large supply or stock of anything which may be rapidly put to use; a reserve. [PJC]

{Receiving reservoir} (Water Works), a principal reservoir into which an aqueduct or rising main delivers water, and from which a distributing reservoir draws its supply. [1913 Webster]

The Collaborative International Dictionary of English. 2000.

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