
Retribution Ret`ri*bu"tion, n. [L. retributio: cf. F. r['e]tribution.] 1. The act of retributing; repayment. [1913 Webster]

In good offices and due retributions, we may not be pinching and niggardly. --Bp. Hall. [1913 Webster]

2. That which is given in repayment or compensation; return suitable to the merits or deserts of, as an action; commonly, condign punishment for evil or wrong. [1913 Webster]

All who have their reward on earth, . . . Naught seeking but the praise of men, here find Fit retribution, empty as their deeds. --Milton. [1913 Webster]

3. Specifically, reward and punishment, as distributed at the general judgment. [1913 Webster]

It is a strong argument for a state of retribution hereafter, that in this world virtuous persons are very often unfortunate, and vicious persons prosperous. --Addison. [1913 Webster]

Syn: Repayment; requital; recompense; payment; retaliation. [1913 Webster]

The Collaborative International Dictionary of English. 2000.

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  • retribution — ret·ri·bu·tion /ˌre trə byü shən/ n: punishment imposed (as on a convicted criminal) for purposes of repayment or revenge for the wrong committed Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam Webster. 1996. retribution …   Law dictionary

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