sentential — adjective Date: 1646 1. of or relating to a sentence < a relative clause with a sentential antecedent > 2. of, relating to, or involving a proposition in logic < sentential connective > … New Collegiate Dictionary
sentential function — n. PROPOSITIONAL FUNCTION … English World dictionary
sentential calculus — noun Etymology: translation of German satzkalkül : propositional calculus * * * the branch of symbolic logic dealing with the logical relationships between statements insofar as they can be analyzed into conjunctions, disjunctions, and negations… … Useful english dictionary
sentential calculus — the branch of symbolic logic dealing with the logical relationships between statements insofar as they can be analyzed into conjunctions, disjunctions, and negations of more elementary statements. Also called propositional calculus, sentential… … Universalium
sentential function — A predicate may be thought of as a function from a single term to a sentence, and hence can be called a sentential function. Also, the truth functional connectives are occasionally thought of as functions from sentences to sentences, although… … Philosophy dictionary
sentential function — noun formal expression containing variables; becomes a sentence when variables are replaced by constants • Hypernyms: ↑formula, ↑expression * * * noun : an expression that contains one or more free variables and becomes a declarative sentence… … Useful english dictionary
sentential — sententially, adv. /sen ten sheuhl/, adj. pertaining to or of the nature of a sentence. [1425 75; late ME, equiv. to L sententi(a) SENTENCE + AL1] * * * … Universalium
sentential — adjective a) of, related to, or comprised of sentences b) of, or related to a sentence (period of time) … Wiktionary
sentential — [sɛn tɛnʃ(ə)l] adjective Grammar & Logic relating to a sentence … English new terms dictionary
sentential — sen·ten·tial … English syllables