Sharing — is the joint use of a resource or space. In its narrow sense, it refers to joint or alternating use of an inherently finite good, such as a common pasture or a timeshared residence. It is also the process of dividing and distributing. Apart from… … Wikipedia
Sharing — (von engl. to share „teilen“, „teilnehmen“, „verteilen“) steht für Sharing (Psychologie), den Erfahrungsaustausch nach psychotherapeutischen Sitzungen Filesharing, den Austausch oder die gemeinsame Nutzung von Dateien, Programmen, Musik, Spielen… … Deutsch Wikipedia
sharing — index cognate, contribution (participation), distribution (apportionment), division (act of dividing) Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton … Law dictionary
sharing — I noun 1. using or enjoying something jointly with others • Derivationally related forms: ↑share • Hypernyms: ↑mutuality, ↑interdependence, ↑interdependency • Hyponyms: ↑ … Useful english dictionary
sharing — n. 1) profit sharing 2) revenue sharing (by the states) * * * [ ʃe(ə)rɪŋ] profitsharing revenue sharing (by the states) … Combinatory dictionary
sharing — noun Sharing is used after these nouns: ↑file, ↑information, ↑job, ↑profit … Collocations dictionary
sharing — Synonyms and related words: accessory, accord, accordance, affiliation, affinity, agape, agreement, amity, announcement, apportionment, association, bonds of harmony, brotherly love, budgeting, caring, caritas, cement of friendship, charity,… … Moby Thesaurus
sharing — n. act of sharing, dividing and apportioning; joint ownership ʃer /ʃeÉ™ n. part; portion; quota, allocation; issue or share of stock; plowshare v. divide, apportion; receive a share or portion; participate, partake; have in common; allow users… … English contemporary dictionary
sharing — bendrasis naudojimas statusas T sritis automatika atitikmenys: angl. sharing vok. anteilliges Nutzen, n; gemeinsames Nutzen, n rus. коллективное использование, n; совместное использование, n pranc. partage, m … Automatikos terminų žodynas
sharing — paskirsta statusas T sritis informatika apibrėžtis Sudėtinio objekto arba ištekliaus skirstymas į dalis tam, kad jas būtų galima atskirai naudoti. atitikmenys: angl. distribution; sharing ryšiai: dar žiūrėk – bendras … Enciklopedinis kompiuterijos žodynas