
Beefeater Beef"eat`er (b[=e]f"[=e]t`[~e]r), n. [Beef + eater; prob. one who eats another's beef, as his servant. Cf. AS. hl[=a]f[=ae]ta servant, properly a loaf eater.] 1. One who eats beef; hence, a large, fleshy person. [1913 Webster]

2. One of the yeomen of the guard, in England. [1913 Webster]

3. (Zo["o]l.) An African bird of the genus {Buphaga}, which feeds on the larv[ae] of botflies hatched under the skin of oxen, antelopes, etc. Two species are known. [1913 Webster]

The Collaborative International Dictionary of English. 2000.

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  • Beefeater — ist ein scherzhafter Name für die zeremoniellen Torwächter des Tower von London. Die eigentliche Bezeichnung der nach eigenen Angaben ältesten Leibwache der Welt lautet Yeomen Warders, komplett Yeomen Warders of Her Majesty s Royal Palace and… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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  • beefeater — warder of the Tower of London, 1670s, a contemptuous reference to well fed servants of the royal household; the notion is of one who eats another s BEEF (Cf. beef) (Cf. O.E. hlaf æta servant, lit. loaf eater ) …   Etymology dictionary

  • beefeater — ► NOUN ▪ a Yeoman Warder or Yeoman of the Guard in the Tower of London. ORIGIN originally a derogatory term for a well fed servant …   English terms dictionary

  • beefeater — [bēf′ēt΄ər] n. 1. a person who eats beef, typified as a large, well fed, red faced person 2. a guard at the Tower of London 3. popularly YEOMAN OF THE (ROYAL) GUARD …   English World dictionary

  • Beefeater — Para otros usos de este término, véase Beefeater (ginebra). Yeoman Warder. Los Beefeaters, cuyo nombre oficial es el de los Yeomen custodios o, en inglés, Yeomen Warders of Her Majesty s Royal Palace and Fortress the Tower of London, son… …   Wikipedia Español

  • Beefeater — Beef|ea|ter 〈[ bi:fi:tə(r)] m. 6〉 Leibgardist des engl. Königshauses (im Londoner Tower) [engl., eigtl. „Rindfleischesser“] * * * Beef|ea|ter [ bi:f|i:tɐ ], der; s, s [engl. beefeater, eigtl. = Rindfleischesser, nach den großen Fleischrationen,… …   Universal-Lexikon

  • beefeater — UK [ˈbiːfˌiːtə(r)] / US [ˈbɪfˌɪtər] noun [countable] Word forms beefeater : singular beefeater plural beefeaters a guard at the Tower of London who wears a traditional red uniform and black hat …   English dictionary

  • Beefeater — Beef|ea|ter [...i:tə] der; s, s (meist Plur.) <aus gleichbed. engl. beefeater, eigtl. »Rindfleischesser«> (scherzh.) Angehöriger der königlichen Leibwache im Londoner Tower (eigtl. Yeoman of the Guard) …   Das große Fremdwörterbuch

  • Beefeater (disambiguation) — Beefeater may refer to: *Beefeater, the colloquial name of the Yeomen Warders, the guards of Tower of London, from which the other meanings derive. *Beefeater Gin is a brand of gin produced in the UK. *Beefeater (restaurant), a chain of pub… …   Wikipedia

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