Bridge whist

Bridge whist
Whist Whist, n. [From {Whist}, interj.] A certain game at cards; -- so called because it requires silence and close attention. It is played by four persons (those who sit opposite each other being partners) with a complete pack of fifty-two cards. Each player has thirteen cards, and when these are played out, the hand is finished, and the cards are again shuffled and distributed. [1913 Webster]

Note: Points are scored for the tricks taken in excess of six, and for the honors held. In long whist, now seldom played, ten points make the game; in short whist, now usually played in England, five points make the game. In American whist, so-called, honors are not counted, and seven points by tricks make the game. [1913 Webster]

{Bridge whist}. See {Bridge}, n., above.

{Duplicate whist}, a form of whist in playing which the hands are preserved as dealt and played again by other players, as when each side holds in the second round the cards played by the opposing side in the first round.

{Solo whist}. See {Solo whist}, above. [Webster 1913 Suppl.]

The Collaborative International Dictionary of English. 2000.

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