
Bromine Bro"mine, n. [Gr. ? bad smell, stink. Cf. {Brome}.] (Chem.) One of the halogen elements, related in its chemical qualities to chlorine and iodine. Atomic weight 79.8. Symbol Br. It is a deep reddish brown liquid of a very disagreeable odor, emitting a brownish vapor at the ordinary temperature. In combination it is found in minute quantities in sea water, and in many saline springs. It occurs also in the mineral bromyrite. [1913 Webster]

The Collaborative International Dictionary of English. 2000.

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  • Bromine — (pronEng|ˈbroʊmiːn/, /ˈbroʊmaɪn/, /ˈbroʊmɪn, el. βρῶμος, brómos , meaning stench (of he goats) Gemoll W, Vretska K: Griechisch Deutsches Schul und Handwörterbuch ( Greek German dictionary ), 9th ed., published by [ öbvhpt] …   Wikipedia

  • bromine — Symbol: Br Atomic number: 35 Atomic weight: 79.909 Halogen element. Red volatile liquid at room temperature. Its reactivity is somewhere between chlorine and iodine. Harmful to human tissue in a liquid state, the vapour irritates eyes and throat …   Elements of periodic system

  • bromine — nonmetallic element, 1827, from Fr. brome, from Gk. bromos stench. With chemical suffix INE (Cf. ine) (2). The evil smelling dark red liquid was discovered by French chemist Antoine Jérôme Balard (1802 1876), who initially called it muride …   Etymology dictionary

  • bromine — ► NOUN ▪ a dark red liquid chemical element of the halogen group, with a choking irritating smell. ORIGIN from Greek br mos a stink …   English terms dictionary

  • bromine — [brō′mēn΄, brō′min] n. [Fr brome < Gr brōmos, stench + INE3] a chemical element, one of the halogens, usually in the form of a reddish brown, corrosive liquid, that volatilizes to form a vapor that has an unpleasant odor and is very irritating …   English World dictionary

  • bromine — /broh meen, min/, n. Chem. an element that is a dark reddish, fuming, toxic liquid and a member of the halogen family: obtained from natural brines and ocean water, and used chiefly in the manufacture of gasoline antiknock compounds,… …   Universalium

  • bromine —   n. non metallic chlorine like element found in seawater and mineral springs.    ♦ bromize, v.t. compound with bromine; prepare photographic plate with bromide.    ♦ bromism, n. condition due to excessive use of bromide.    ♦ brominated,   a.… …   Dictionary of difficult words

  • bromine — noun Etymology: French brome bromine + English 2 ine Date: 1827 a nonmetallic halogen element that is isolated as a deep red corrosive toxic volatile liquid of disagreeable odor see element table …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • bromine — noun /ˈbrəʊmɪn,ˈbrəʊmaɪn,ˈbroʊmin/ a) A nonmetallic chemical element (symbol Br) with an atomic number of 35; one of the halogens b) A bromine atom in a molecule Syn: muride See Also: brome …   Wiktionary

  • bromine — bro•mine [[t]ˈbroʊ min, mɪn[/t]] n. chem. a dark reddish, fuming, toxic liquid element obtained from natural brines and ocean water and used chiefly in gasoline antiknock compounds, pharmaceuticals, and dyes Symbol: Br at. wt.: 79.909 at. no.: 35 …   From formal English to slang

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