Cola seed
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cola seed — noun : kola nut … Useful english dictionary
Cola acuminata — Cola nut Cola nut, Cola seed Cola seed . (Bot.) The bitter fruit of {Cola acuminata}, which is nearly as large as a chestnut, and furnishes a stimulant, which is used in medicine. [Webster 1913 Suppl.] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Cola nut — Cola nut, Cola seed Cola seed . (Bot.) The bitter fruit of {Cola acuminata}, which is nearly as large as a chestnut, and furnishes a stimulant, which is used in medicine. [Webster 1913 Suppl.] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
cola nut — noun bitter brown seed containing caffein; source of cola extract • Syn: ↑kola nut • Hypernyms: ↑nut • Substance Holonyms: ↑cola, ↑dope • Part Holonyms: ↑kola … Useful english dictionary
Cola mossambicensis — Moçambique cola Leaf on long petiole with pulvinus Conservation status … Wikipedia
cola nut — UK / US noun [countable] Word forms cola nut : singular cola nut plural cola nuts a seed that is used for making the drink cola. It grows on a cola tree … English dictionary
cola — noun 1》 a brown carbonated drink that is flavoured with an extract of cola nuts, or with a similar flavouring. 2》 (also kola) a small evergreen African tree cultivated in the tropics, whose seed (the cola nut) contains caffeine. [Cola acuminata… … English new terms dictionary
Cola — n. (also kola) 1 any small tree of the genus Cola, native to W. Africa, bearing seeds containing caffeine. 2 a carbonated drink usu. flavoured with these seeds. Phrases and idioms: cola nut a seed of the tree. Etymology: W.Afr … Useful english dictionary
cola — n. (also kola) 1 any small tree of the genus Cola, native to W. Africa, bearing seeds containing caffeine. 2 a carbonated drink usu. flavoured with these seeds. Phrases and idioms: cola nut a seed of the tree. Etymology: W.Afr … Useful english dictionary
cola nut — /ˈkoʊlə nʌt/ (say kohluh nut) noun a brownish seed, about the size of a chestnut produced by a tree of western tropical Africa, the West Indies, and Brazil, Cola acuminata, and containing both caffeine and theobromine; used as a stimulant in soft …