
Contralto Con*tral"to (? or ?), n. [It., fr. contra + alto. See {Alto}.] (Mus.) (a) The part sung by the highest male or lowest female voices; the alto or counter tenor. (b) the voice or singer performing this part; as, her voice is a contralto; she is a contralto. [1913 Webster]

Note: The usual range of the contralto voice is from G, below middle C, to the C above that; though exceptionally it embraces two octaves. [1913 Webster]

The Collaborative International Dictionary of English. 2000.

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  • contralto — lowest female voice, 1730, from It. contralto; see CONTRA (Cf. contra ) against, opposite + ALTO (Cf. alto). The part next above the alto …   Etymology dictionary

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  • contralto — [kən tral′tō] n. pl. contraltos or contralti [kən tral′tē] [It: see CONTRA & ALTO] 1. the range of a low female voice between mezzo soprano and tenor, usually from about the first F below middle C to the second F above; alto 2. a) a voice or… …   English World dictionary

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