
Albacore Al"ba*core, n. (Zo["o]l.) A name applied to several large fishes of the Mackerel family ({Scombridae}), esp. {Thunnus alalunga} (formerly {Orcynus alalonga}); it is a type of tuna or tunny. The name has been also applied to a larger related species, {Thunnus thynnus} (formerly {Orcynus thynnus}), common in the Mediterranean and Atlantic, which is called in New England the {horse mackerel}. [formerly spelled {albicore}.] [1913 Webster +PJC]

The Collaborative International Dictionary of English. 2000.

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  • albacore — [ albakɔr ] n. m. • v. 1525; hispano amér. albacora ou port. albecora, p. ê. de l ar. al bakûra « jeune thon », de bakûr « précoce » ♦ Zool. Thon blanc. ⇒ germon. ● albacore nom masculin (espagnol albacora, de l arabe bakūra, jeune bonite) Autre… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

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  • albacore — ► NOUN ▪ a tuna of warm seas which travels in large schools and is an important food fish. ORIGIN Arabic, probably from a word meaning «premature, precocious» …   English terms dictionary

  • Albacore — Taxobox name = Albacore status = DD status system = iucn2.3 status ref = IUCN2006|assessors=Uozumi|year=1996|id=21856|title=Thunnus alalunga|downloaded=12 May 2006] image width = 240px image caption = regnum = Animalia phylum = Chordata classis …   Wikipedia

  • albacore — /al beuh kawr , kohr /, n., pl. (esp. collectively) albacore, (esp. referring to kinds or species) albacores. 1. a long finned tuna, Thunnus alalunga, of warm or temperate seas, the flesh of which is valued for canning. 2. any of various tunalike …   Universalium

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  • albacore — noun (plural core or cores) Etymology: Portuguese albacor, from Arabic al bakūra the albacore Date: 1579 a large pelagic tuna (Thunnus alalunga) with long pectoral fins that is a source of canned tuna; broadly any of various tunas (as a bonito) …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • albacore — /ˈælbəkɔ/ (say albuhkaw) noun (plural albacore or albacores) 1. a medium sized tuna of warm seas, Thunnus germo, with dark blue back and silvery belly, and having a characteristically long pectoral fin. 2. any of various fishes related to or… …  

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