
Culverin Cul"ver*in (k?l"v?r-?n), n. [F. coulevrine, prop. fem. of couleuvrin like a serpent, fr. couleuvre adder, fr. L. coluber, colubra.] A long cannon of the 16th century, usually an 18-pounder with serpent-shaped handles. [1913 Webster]

Trump, and drum, and roaring culverin. --Macaulay. [1913 Webster]

The Collaborative International Dictionary of English. 2000.

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  • culverin — [kul′vər in] n. [Fr coulevrine < couleuvre, adder < VL * culobra, for L colubra, a serpent, snake < IE base * (s)kel , to bend: see COLON1] 1. a kind of medieval musket 2. a long, heavy cannon of the 15th 17th cent …   English World dictionary

  • Culverin — 15th century culveriners. A culverin was a relatively simple ancestor of the musket, and later a medieval cannon, adapted for use by the French in the 15th century, and later adapted for naval use by the English in the late 16th century. The… …   Wikipedia

  • culverin — /kul veuhr in/, n. 1. medieval form of musket. 2. a kind of heavy cannon used in the 16th and 17th centuries. [1400 50; late ME < MF coulevrine < L colubrina, fem. of colubrinus COLUBRINE] * * * ▪ cannon       medieval cannon of relatively long… …   Universalium

  • Culverin — Early kind of hand held gun, though later the word was applied to a cannon with a particularly long barrel. In heraldry, culverin was always used of a cannon with a wide, out of scale, bore …   Dictionary of Medieval Terms and Phrases

  • culverin — noun Etymology: Middle English, from Middle French couleuvrine, from couleuvre snake, from Latin colubra Date: 15th century an early firearm: a. a rude musket b. a long cannon (as an 18 pounder) of the 16th and 17th centuries …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • culverin — noun /ˈkʌlvərɪn/ a) A kind of handgun. b) A large cannon …   Wiktionary

  • culverin — [ kʌlv(ə)rɪn] noun 1》 a 16th or 17th century cannon with a relatively long barrel for its bore. 2》 a kind of handgun of the 15th and 16th centuries. Origin C15: from OFr. coulevrine, from couleuvre snake …   English new terms dictionary

  • Culverin — 1) Light cannon firing lead or bronze bullets mounted on portable rest and the ancestor of the hand gun and the harquebus. (Seward, Desmond. Henry V: The Scourge of God, 222) 2) Long barrelled cannon of cast bronze with a small calibre. (Wise,… …   Medieval glossary

  • culverin — cul·ve·rin …   English syllables

  • culverin — cul•ver•in [[t]ˈkʌl vər ɪn[/t]] n. 1) mil a medieval form of musket 2) mil a kind of heavy cannon used in the 16th and 17th centuries • Etymology: 1400–50; late ME < MF coulevrine < L colubrīna, fem. of colubrīnus colubrine …   From formal English to slang

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