Design for X — Under the label Design for X, a wide collection of specific design guidelines are summarized. Each design guideline addresses a particular issue that is caused by, or affects the characteristics of a product. The design guidelines themselves… … Wikipedia
Design for All (in ICT) — Design for All in the context of information technology is the conscious and systematic effort to proactively apply principles, methods and tools to promote universal design in computer related technologies, including internet based technologies … Wikipedia
Design for testing — Design for Test (aka Design for Testability or DFT ) is a name for design techniques that add certain testability features to a microelectronic hardware product design. The premise of the added features is that they make it easier to develop and… … Wikipedia
Design for assembly — (DFA) is a process by which products are designed with ease of assembly in mind. If a product contains fewer parts it will take less time to assemble, thereby reducing assembly costs. In addition, if the parts are provided with features which… … Wikipedia
Design for the Environment — Program (DfE) is a United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) program, created in 1992, that works to prevent pollution, and the risk pollution presents to humans and the environment.[1] The EPA DfE program provides information… … Wikipedia
Design for Six Sigma — (DFSS) is a separate and emerging business process management methodology related to traditional Six Sigma. While the tools and order used in Six Sigma require a process to be in place and functioning, DFSS has the objective of determining the… … Wikipedia
Design For Test — (aka Design for Testability or DFT ) is a name for design techniques that add certain testability features to a microelectronic hardware product design. The premise of the added features is that they make it easier to develop and apply… … Wikipedia
Design for Assembly — is a process by which products are designed with ease of assembly in mind. If a product contains fewer parts it will take less time to assemble, thereby reducing assembly costs. In addition, if the parts are provided with features which make it… … Wikipedia
Design for manufacturability — (also sometimes known as design for manufacturing) (DFM) is the general engineering art of designing products in such a way that they are easy to manufacture. The basic idea exists in almost all engineering disciplines, but of course the details… … Wikipedia
Design for manufacturability (IC) — For a general explanation outside the integrated circuit topic, see Design for manufacturability (disambiguation). Achieving high yielding designs in the state of the art, VLSI technology has become an extremely challenging task due to the… … Wikipedia