endowment — en·dow·ment n 1: the act or process of endowing 2: a result or product of endowing: as a: the income of an institution derived from donations the university s ability to attract endowment b: the property (as a fund) donated to an institution or… … Law dictionary
Endowment — • A property, fund, or revenue permanently appropriated for the support of any person, institution, or object, as a student, professorship, school, hospital Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Endowment Endowment … Catholic encyclopedia
Endowment — may refer to many things:Finance*Financial endowment; relating to funds or property donated to institutions or individuals *Endowment (Life insurance); payment of the face value of a life insurance policy, usually at age 98 120 *Endowment… … Wikipedia
endowment — [n1] large gift award, benefaction, benefit, bequest, bestowal, boon, bounty, dispensation, donation, fund, funding, gifting, grant, gratuity, income, inheritance, largess, legacy, nest egg, pension, presentation, property, provision, revenue,… … New thesaurus
endowment — mid 15c., “action of endowing,” from ENDOW (Cf. endow) + MENT (Cf. ment). Meaning “property with which an institution or person is endowed” is from 1590s; that of “gift, power, advantage” is early 17c … Etymology dictionary
endowment — ► NOUN 1) the action of endowing. 2) a quality or ability with which a person is endowed. 3) an income or form of property endowed. 4) (before another noun ) denoting a form of life insurance involving payment of a fixed sum to the insured person … English terms dictionary
endowment — [en dou′mənt, indou′mənt] n. [ME endouement] 1. the act of endowing 2. that with which something is endowed; specif., any bequest or gift that provides an income for an institution or person 3. a gift of nature; inherent talent, ability, quality … English World dictionary
endowment — Funds or property that are donated with either a temporary or permanent restriction as to the use of principal. American Banker Glossary Gift of money or property to a specified institution for a specified purpose. Bloomberg Financial Dictionary… … Financial and business terms
endowment — [[t]ɪnda͟ʊmənt[/t]] endowments 1) N COUNT An endowment is a gift of money that is made to an institution or community in order to provide it with an annual income. The company revived the finances of the Oxford Union with a generous ₤1m endowment … English dictionary
endowment — UK [ɪnˈdaʊmənt] / US noun Word forms endowment : singular endowment plural endowments 1) a) [uncountable] the act of giving money to a school, hospital, or other institution the endowment of a Professorship at Oxford b) [countable] an amount of… … English dictionary