eudemonist — EUDEMONÍST, Ă, eudemonişti, ste, adj., s.m. şi f. (Adept) al eudemonismului. [pr.: e u ] – Din fr. eudémoniste. Trimis de laurap, 13.09.2007. Sursa: DEX 98 eudemoníst adj. m., s. m. (sil. e u ) … Dicționar Român
eudemonist — … Useful english dictionary
Eudaemonist — Eudemonist Eu*de mon*ist, Eudaemonist Eu*d[ae] mon*ist, n. One who believes in eudemonism. [1913 Webster] I am too much of a eud[ae]monist; I hanker too much after a state of happiness both for myself and others. De Quincey … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
eudemonism — eudemonist, n. eudemonistic, adj. eudemonistically, adv. /yooh dee meuh niz euhm/, n. Ethics. the doctrine that the basis of moral obligations is to be found in the tendency of right actions to produce happiness. Also, eudaemonism. [1820 30;… … Universalium
Augustine — Gerard O’Daly 1 LIFE AND PHILOSOPHICAL READINGS Augustine was born in Thagaste (modern Souk Ahras in Algeria) in Roman North Africa in AD 354. He died as bishop of Hippo (now Annaba, Algeria) in 430. His education followed the standard Roman… … History of philosophy
hedonist — n 1. epicurean, epicure, sybarite; Benthamite, utilitarian, Ethics. eudemonist. 2. pleasure seeker, Inf. high liver, Sl. swinger, Sl. party girl, Fr. bon vivant; indulger, glutton, gourmand, hog, belly god, winebibber, heavy drinker, double… … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder
eudemonism — /juˈdimənɪzəm/ (say yooh deemuhnizuhm) noun the system of ethics which holds that the basis of moral obligations lies in their relation to the production of happiness. Also, eudaemonism. {eudemon(ia) + ism} –eudemonist, noun –eudemonistic… …
eudemonism — n. (also eudaemonism) a system of ethics that bases moral obligation on the likelihood of actions producing happiness. Derivatives: eudemonist n. eudemonistic adj. Etymology: Gk eudaimonismos system of happiness f. eudaimon happy (as EU , daimon… … Useful english dictionary