
Globigerina Glo*big`e*ri"na, n.; pl. {Globigerin[ae]}. [NL., fr. L. globus a round body + gerere to bear.] (Zo["o]l.) A genus of small Foraminifera, which live abundantly at or near the surface of the sea. Their dead shells, falling to the bottom, make up a large part of the soft mud, generally found in depths below 3,000 feet, and called globigerina ooze. See Illust. of {Foraminifera}. [1913 Webster]

The Collaborative International Dictionary of English. 2000.

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  • globigerină — GLOBIGERÍNĂ, globigerine, s.f. (La pl.) Gen de foraminifere cu cochilia perforată şi împărţită în mai multe camere sferice; (şi la sg.) animal care aparţine acestui gen. – Din fr. globigérine. Trimis de gall, 13.09.2007. Sursa: DEX 98 … …   Dicționar Român

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  • globigerina — glo·bi·ge·rì·na s.f. TS zool. protozoo del genere Globigerina, provvisto di un guscio a forma di spirale | con iniz. maiusc., genere della famiglia dei Globigerinidi {{line}} {{/line}} DATA: 1892. ETIMO: dal lat. scient. Globigerīna, comp. di… …   Dizionario italiano

  • globigerina — /gloh bij euh ruy neuh, ree /, n., pl. globigerinas, globigerinae / nee/. any marine foraminifer of the genus Globigerina, having a calcareous shell, occurring either near the surface of the sea or in the mud at the bottom. [1840 50; < NL, equiv …   Universalium

  • globigerina — ► sustantivo femenino ZOOLOGÍA Foraminífero marino de caparazón calcáreo que se encuentra en abundancia en los fondos abisales (Globigerina.) …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • globigerina — [ˌgləʊbɪdʒə rʌɪnə] noun (plural globigerinas or globigerinae ni:) a planktonic marine protozoan with a calcareous shell. [Genus Globigerina.] Origin mod. L., from L. globus globe (because of the globular chambers in its shell) + ger carrying +… …   English new terms dictionary

  • globigerina — /gloʊˌbɪdʒəˈraɪnə/ (say gloh.bijuh ruynuh) noun (plural globigerinae /gloʊˌbɪdʒəˈraɪni/ (say gloh.bijuh ruynee)) a marine protozoan belonging to the order Foraminifera, the shells of which, falling to the ocean floor upon death, form a mud known… …  

  • globigerina —   n. (pl. ae ) protozoon living in surface waters of the sea.    ♦ globigerina ooze, deposit of the chalky shells of globigerinae on the sea floor …   Dictionary of difficult words

  • globigerina — n. any planktonic protozoan of the genus Globigerina, living near the surface of the sea. Etymology: mod.L f. L globus globe + ger carrying + INA …   Useful english dictionary

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