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heteronymous — [het΄ər än′ə məs] adj. [Gr heterōnymos < hetero, HETERO + onyma, NAME] 1. of, or having the nature of, a heteronym 2. having different names: said as of a pair of correlatives [“son” and “daughter” are heteronymous] … English World dictionary
heteronymous — heteronymously, adv. /het euh ron euh meuhs/, adj. 1. of, pertaining to, or characteristic of a heteronym. 2. having different names, as a pair of correlatives: Father and son are heteronymous relatives. [1725 35; < LGk heterónymos having a… … Universalium
heteronymous — adjective a) Of, or relating to a heteronym b) Being different words, but having a common relationship e.g. brother and sister are siblings of each other … Wiktionary
heteronymous — Having different names or expressed in different terms. [G. heteronymos, having a different name, fr. onyma, or onoma, name] * * * het·er·on·y·mous (het″ər onґĭ məs) [heter + Gr. onyma name] in ophthalmology, pertaining to… … Medical dictionary
heteronymous — adj. of or pertaining to a heteronym, pertaining to a word which has the same written form as another word but differs in pronunciation and meaning … English contemporary dictionary
heteronymous — het·er·on·y·mous … English syllables
heteronymous — /hɛtəˈrɒnəməs/ (say hetuh ronuhmuhs) adjective 1. relating to or of the nature of a heteronym. 2. having different names, as a pair of correlatives. 3. Optics denoting or relating to the images formed in a kind of double vision in which the image …
heteronymous — … Useful english dictionary
heteronymous diplopia — crossed d … Medical dictionary
heteronymous hemianopia — hemianopia affecting the nasal or the temporal half of the field of vision of each eye … Medical dictionary