
Infernal In*fer"nal, a. [F. infernal, L. infernalis, fr. infernus that which lies beneath, the lower. See {Inferior}.] [1913 Webster] 1. Of or pertaining to or suitable for the lower regions, inhabited, according to the ancients, by the dead; pertaining to Pluto's realm of the dead, the Tartarus of the ancients. [1913 Webster]

The Elysian fields, the infernal monarchy. --Garth. [1913 Webster]

2. Of or pertaining to, resembling, or inhabiting, hell; suitable for hell, or to the character of the inhabitants of hell; hellish; diabolical; as, infernal spirits, or conduct. [1913 Webster]

The instruments or abettors in such infernal dealings. --Addison. [1913 Webster]

{Infernal machine}, a machine or apparatus maliciously designed to explode, and destroy life or property.

{Infernal stone} ({lapis infernalis}), lunar caustic; formerly so called. The name was also applied to caustic potash.

Syn: Tartarean; Stygian; hellish; devilish; diabolical; satanic; fiendish; malicious. [1913 Webster]

The Collaborative International Dictionary of English. 2000.

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  • infernal — infernal, ale, aux [ ɛ̃fɛrnal, o ] adj. • 1160; bas lat. infernalis → enfer 1 ♦ Qui appartient aux enfers, à l enfer. Puissances infernales. ⇒ démon, diable. « un essaim de divinités infernales » (Chateaubriand). ⇒ chtonien. 2 ♦ Qui évoque l… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • infernal — INFERNÁL, Ă, infernali, e, adj. De infern, din infern; drăcesc, diabolic. ♢ Maşină infernală = bombă cu mecanism de ceasornic, folosită de terorişti pentru a săvârşi atentate. ♦ fig. Înspăimântător, groaznic, teribil. – Din fr. infernal, lat.… …   Dicționar Român

  • Infernal — Infernal …   Википедия

  • Infernal — is an adjective meaning pertaining to hell , but may also refer to: * Infernal (band), a Danish dance/club band * Infernal (novel), a novel by F. Paul Wilson * Infernal (album), a 1997 album from Swedish death metal band, Edge of Sanity *… …   Wikipedia

  • infernal — infernal, le (in fèr nal, na l ) adj. 1°   Qui appartient à l enfer. •   Alecton ne l aborda pas Avec ses infernaux appas, SCARR. Virg. VII. •   .... La parque et ses ciseaux Avec peine y mordaient ; la déesse infernale Reprit à plusieurs fois l… …   Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré

  • infernal — infernal, chthonian, hellish, Hadean, Tartarean, stygian mean of or characteristic of the abode of the dead. Infernal basically denotes of or characteristic of the underworld regions once held to be inhabited by the earth gods and spirits of the… …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • infernal — Infernal, [infern]ale. adj. Qui appartient à l enfer. Monstre infernal. furie infernale. les puissances infernales. les portes infernales. une rage infernale. On appelle le demon, Le serpent infernal, le dragon infernal. On dit poëtiquement & en… …   Dictionnaire de l'Académie française

  • infernal — (Del lat. infernālis). 1. adj. Perteneciente o relativo al infierno. 2. Muy malo, dañoso o perjudicial en su línea. 3. coloq. Que causa sumo disgusto o enfado. Ruido infernal. ☛ V. fuego infernal, higuera infernal, piedra infernal, sal infernal …   Diccionario de la lengua española

  • Infernal — est un groupe de pop en provenance du Danemark, composé de Lina Rafn et Paw Lagermann. Ils ont fait leurs débuts au Danemark en 1997 avec la publication de la piste Sorti de l enfer , et ont connu du succès dans les charts internationaux ces… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • infernal — adjetivo 1. Del infierno: Algunas religiones hablan de castigos infernales. 2. Que causa desagrado, disgusto o perjuicio: Con este ruido infernal es imposible estudiar. Hace un tiempo infernal, todo el día lloviendo …   Diccionario Salamanca de la Lengua Española

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