
Jerusalem Je*ru"sa*lem (j[-e]*r[udd]"s[.a]*l[e^]m), n. [Gr. 'Ieroysalh`m, fr. Heb. Y[e^]r[=u]sh[=a]laim.] The chief city of Palestine, intimately associated with the glory of the Jewish nation, and the life and death of Jesus Christ. [1913 Webster]

{Jerusalem artichoke} [Perh. a corrupt. of It. girasole i.e., sunflower, or turnsole. See {Gyre}, {Solar}.] (Bot.) (a) An American plant, a perennial species of sunflower ({Helianthus tuberosus}), whose tubers are sometimes used as food. (b) One of the tubers themselves.

{Jerusalem cherry} (Bot.), the popular name of either of two species of {Solanum} ({Solanum Pseudo-capsicum} and {Solanum capsicastrum}), cultivated as ornamental house plants. They bear bright red berries of about the size of cherries.

{Jerusalem oak} (Bot.), an aromatic goosefoot ({Chenopodium Botrys}), common about houses and along roadsides.

{Jerusalem sage} (Bot.), a perennial herb of the Mint family ({Phlomis tuberosa}).

{Jerusalem thorn} (Bot.), a spiny, leguminous tree ({Parkinsonia aculeata}), widely dispersed in warm countries, and used for hedges.

{The New Jerusalem}, Heaven; the Celestial City. [1913 Webster]

The Collaborative International Dictionary of English. 2000.

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