
Landsman Lands"man, n.; pl. {Landsmen}. 1. One who lives on the land; -- opposed to {seaman}. [1913 Webster]

2. (Naut.) A sailor on his first voyage. [1913 Webster]

The Collaborative International Dictionary of English. 2000.

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  • landsman — [landz′mən] n. pl. landsmen [landz′mən] 1. a person who lives on land: distinguished from SEAMAN 2. [partly via Yiddish < MHG lantsman, for earlier lantman < OHG < lant, LAND + man, MAN] a fellow countryman; compatriot …   English World dictionary

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  • landsman — s ( nen, landsmän, best. pl. landsmännen) …   Clue 9 Svensk Ordbok

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  • landsman — noun Date: 1598 1. a fellow countryman 2. a person who lives on the land; especially one who knows little or nothing of the sea or seamanship …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • landsman — 1) a member of a fishing crew or team who processes the catch on shore (Newfoundland) 2) a migratory fisherman from Newfoundland who fishes from a shore station on the Labrador coast …   Dictionary of ichthyology

  • landsman — /landz meuhn/, n., pl. landsmen. 1. Also, landman. a person who lives or works on land. 2. an inexperienced sailor or one who has not been to sea before. [bef. 1000 for sense native ; ME landes man, londes man, OE landes mann; see LAND, S1, MAN]… …   Universalium

  • landsman — noun a) The opposite of a seaman. A person who does not go to sea, who lacks the skills of a sailor or who is uncomfortable on ships or boats. b) A fellow Jew who comes from the same district or town, especially in Eastern Europe …   Wiktionary

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