
marijuana marijuana n. 1. A strong-smelling Asian plant ({Cannabis sativa}), also called {hemp}, from which a number of euphorogenic and halucinogenic drugs are prepared. The euphoric effect is predominently due to {tetrahydrocannabinol} ({THC}). [Also spelled {marihuana}.]

Syn: cannabis, ganja, pot, grass, marihuana, {Cannabis sativa}. [WordNet 1.5]

2. The dried leaves or the female flowers of the hemp plant, which is smoked or chewed to obtain a euphoric effect. The flowers usually have a higher concentration of the active ingredient, tetrahydrocannabinol.

Syn: cannabis, ganja, pot, grass, marihuana, dope, weed, gage, sess, sens, smoke, skunk, Mary Jane. [WordNet 1.5]

The Collaborative International Dictionary of English. 2000.

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