Minor mode

Minor mode
minor mi"nor (m[imac]"n[~e]r), a. [L., a comparative with no positive; akin to AS. min small, G. minder less, OHG. minniro, a., min, adv., Icel. minni, a., minnr, adv., Goth. minniza, a., mins, adv., Ir. & Gael. min small, tender, L. minuere to lessen, Gr. miny`qein, Skr. mi to damage. Cf. {Minish}, {Minister}, {Minus}, {Minute}.] [1913 Webster] 1. Inferior in bulk, degree, importance, etc.; less; smaller; of little account; as, minor divisions of a body. [1913 Webster]

2. (Mus.) Less by a semitone in interval or difference of pitch; as, a minor third. [1913 Webster]

{Asia Minor} (Geog.), the Lesser Asia; that part of Asia which lies between the Euxine, or Black Sea, on the north, and the Mediterranean on the south.

{Minor mode} (Mus.), that mode, or scale, in which the third and sixth are minor, -- much used for mournful and solemn subjects.

{Minor orders} (Eccl.), the rank of persons employed in ecclesiastical offices who are not in holy orders, as doorkeepers, acolytes, etc.

{Minor scale} (Mus.) The form of the minor scale is various. The strictly correct form has the third and sixth minor, with a semitone between the seventh and eighth, which involves an augmented second interval, or three semitones, between the sixth and seventh, as, 6/F, 7/G[sharp], 8/A. But, for melodic purposes, both the sixth and the seventh are sometimes made major in the ascending, and minor in the descending, scale, thus: [1913 Webster] [1913 Webster] See {Major}.

{Minor term of a syllogism} (Logic), the subject of the conclusion. [1913 Webster]

The Collaborative International Dictionary of English. 2000.

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  • minor mode — n. a progression, phrase, section, or composition of music predominantly using the intervals of the minor scale …   English World dictionary

  • minor mode — noun a key based on the minor scale • Syn: ↑minor key • Hypernyms: ↑key, ↑tonality * * * noun 1. : the arrangement or grouping of musical notes or tones as found in the minor scale 2 …   Useful english dictionary

  • minor mode — Music. a scale or key in which the third degree is a minor third above the tonic. [1770 80] * * * …   Universalium

  • minor — mi nor (m[imac] n[ e]r), a. [L., a comparative with no positive; akin to AS. min small, G. minder less, OHG. minniro, a., min, adv., Icel. minni, a., minnr, adv., Goth. minniza, a., mins, adv., Ir. & Gael. min small, tender, L. minuere to lessen …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Minor orders — minor mi nor (m[imac] n[ e]r), a. [L., a comparative with no positive; akin to AS. min small, G. minder less, OHG. minniro, a., min, adv., Icel. minni, a., minnr, adv., Goth. minniza, a., mins, adv., Ir. & Gael. min small, tender, L. minuere to… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Minor scale — minor mi nor (m[imac] n[ e]r), a. [L., a comparative with no positive; akin to AS. min small, G. minder less, OHG. minniro, a., min, adv., Icel. minni, a., minnr, adv., Goth. minniza, a., mins, adv., Ir. & Gael. min small, tender, L. minuere to… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Minor term of a syllogism — minor mi nor (m[imac] n[ e]r), a. [L., a comparative with no positive; akin to AS. min small, G. minder less, OHG. minniro, a., min, adv., Icel. minni, a., minnr, adv., Goth. minniza, a., mins, adv., Ir. & Gael. min small, tender, L. minuere to… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Mode — (m[=o]d), n. [L. modus a measure, due or proper measure, bound, manner, form; akin to E. mete: cf. F. mode. See {Mete}, and cf. {Commodious}, {Mood} in grammar, {Modus}.] 1. Manner of doing or being; method; form; fashion; custom; way; style; as …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • minor — [mī′nər] adj. [ME menour < L minor < IE * minu , small < base * mei , to lessen > Gr meiōn, less, ON minni, smaller] 1. a) lesser in size, amount, number, or extent b) lesser in importance or rank 2. under full legal age (usually… …   English World dictionary

  • mode — [mōd] n. [ME moede < L modus, measure, manner, mode < IE base * med , to measure: see MEDICAL] 1. a manner or way of acting, doing, or being; method or form 2. [Fr < L modus] customary usage, or current fashion or style, as in manners or …   English World dictionary

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