
Mold Mold, Mould Mould, n. [OE. molde, AS. molde; akin to D. mul, G. mull, mulm, OHG. molt, molta, Icel. mold, Dan. muld, Sw. mull, Goth. mulda, and E. meal flour. See {Meal}, and cf. {Mole} an animal, {Mull}, v.] [The prevalent spelling is, perhaps, {mould}; but as the u has not been inserted in the other words of this class, as bold, gold, old, cold, etc., it seems desirable to complete the analogy by dropping it from this word, thus spelling it as Spenser, South, and many others did. The omission of the u is now very common in America.] 1. Crumbling, soft, friable earth; esp., earth containing the remains or constituents of organic matter, and suited to the growth of plants; soil. [1913 Webster]

2. Earthy material; the matter of which anything is formed; composing substance; material. [1913 Webster]

The etherial mold, Incapable of stain. --Milton. [1913 Webster]

Nature formed me of her softest mold. --Addison. [1913 Webster]

The Collaborative International Dictionary of English. 2000.

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  • mould — Ⅰ. mould [1] (US mold) ► NOUN 1) a hollow container used to give shape to molten or hot liquid material when it cools and hardens. 2) something made in this way, especially a jelly or mousse. 3) a distinctive type, style, or character. ► VERB 1) …   English terms dictionary

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  • mould — chiefly British English spelling of MOLD (Cf. mold) in various senses. Related: Moulded; moulding …   Etymology dictionary

  • mould — (Brit.) məʊld n. pattern or form for giving a particular shape; something that has been molded; nature, character; decorative edging, patterned rim; fungal growth (also mold) v. fashion, shape; shape or form in a mold; become moldy, mildew;… …   English contemporary dictionary

  • mould — There are three separate words spelt this way in BrE: a hollow container for making a shape, a fungous growth, and loose friable earth. All three have corresponding verbs. In AmE the spelling in all meanings is mold …   Modern English usage

  • mould — [mōld] n., vt., vi. chiefly Brit. sp. of MOLD1, MOLD2, MOLD3 mouldy adj. mouldier, mouldiest …   English World dictionary

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