Paymaster General — ˌPaymaster ˈGeneral noun the Paymaster General ECONOMICS in Britain, the member of the government responsible for making payments by government departments: • The Comptroller is charged with authorizing the amounts paid out by the Paymaster… … Financial and business terms
Paymaster General — Her Majesty s Paymaster General Arms of Her Majesty s Government Office of HM Paymaster General … Wikipedia
Paymaster General — Der Paymaster General (Generalzahlmeister) nimmt ein Amt mit Ministerrang in der britischen Regierung wahr. Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 Aufgaben und Geschichte 2 Liste der bisherigen Paymasters General 3 Weblinks … Deutsch Wikipedia
paymaster general — noun (plural paymasters general) 1. : a military officer in command of the pay department of an army or navy 2. a. : a government officer in Great Britain formerly making all civil and military payments on the authority of the treasury b. : a… … Useful english dictionary
Paymaster General — the British government minister in charge of the department of the Treasury which provides bank services for all departments except the Inland Revenue and Customs and Excise. Payments of pensions to civil servants, teachers, the armed forces and… … Universalium
(the) Paymaster General — the Paymaster General [the Paymaster General] the British government minister in charge of the department of the ↑Treasury which provides bank services for all departments except ↑HMRC. Payments of ↑pensions to ↑civil servants … Useful english dictionary
the Paymaster General — UK US noun [S] ► GOVERNMENT, FINANCE in the UK, the member of the government who is officially responsible for making government payments: »There are claims that the former Paymaster General fraudulently misled the department about £400,000 worth … Financial and business terms
paymaster general's administration — body that is in charge of payments to soldiers and military pensioners, military body that is in charge of salaries … English contemporary dictionary
Paymaster of the Forces — The Paymaster of the Forces was a British government position. It was occasionally a cabinet level post in the 18th and early 19th centuries, and many future prime ministers served as Paymaster. The office was responsible for part of the… … Wikipedia
Paymaster — A paymaster is a civil servant appointed by a government to dispense wages or salaries within the public sector, especially a military. Specific titles within the British government are Paymaster of the Forces, Paymaster General and Paymaster of… … Wikipedia