Plane angle

Plane angle
Plane Plane, a. [L. planus: cf. F. plan. See {Plan}, a.] Without elevations or depressions; even; level; flat; lying in, or constituting, a plane; as, a plane surface. [1913 Webster]

Note: In science, this word (instead of plain) is almost exclusively used to designate a flat or level surface. [1913 Webster]

{Plane angle}, the angle included between two straight lines in a plane.

{Plane chart}, {Plane curve}. See under {Chart} and {Curve}.

{Plane figure}, a figure all points of which lie in the same plane. If bounded by straight lines it is a rectilinear plane figure, if by curved lines it is a curvilinear plane figure.

{Plane geometry}, that part of geometry which treats of the relations and properties of plane figures.

{Plane problem}, a problem which can be solved geometrically by the aid of the right line and circle only.

{Plane sailing} (Naut.), the method of computing a ship's place and course on the supposition that the earth's surface is a plane.

{Plane scale} (Naut.), a scale for the use of navigators, on which are graduated chords, sines, tangents, secants, rhumbs, geographical miles, etc.

{Plane surveying}, surveying in which the curvature of the earth is disregarded; ordinary field and topographical surveying of tracts of moderate extent.

{Plane table}, an instrument used for plotting the lines of a survey on paper in the field.

{Plane trigonometry}, the branch of trigonometry in which its principles are applied to plane triangles. [1913 Webster]

The Collaborative International Dictionary of English. 2000.

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  • plane angle — noun Date: 1570 an angle that for a given dihedral angle is formed by two intersecting lines each of which lies on a face of the dihedral angle and is perpendicular to the edge of the face …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • plane angle — noun a) An angle formed by two intersecting straight lines. b) An angle formed by two intersecting planes, measured by the angle between two intersecting straight lines that are in respective planes and perpendicular to the intersection of the… …   Wiktionary

  • plane angle — Math. an angle between two intersecting lines. [1820 30] * * * …   Universalium

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  • Plane — Plane, a. [L. planus: cf. F. plan. See {Plan}, a.] Without elevations or depressions; even; level; flat; lying in, or constituting, a plane; as, a plane surface. [1913 Webster] Note: In science, this word (instead of plain) is almost exclusively… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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