
Prince Prince, n. [F., from L. princeps, -cipis, the first, chief; primus first + capere to take. See {Prime}, a., and {Capacious}.] 1. The one of highest rank; one holding the highest place and authority; a sovereign; a monarch; -- originally applied to either sex, but now rarely applied to a female. --Wyclif (Rev. i. 5). [1913 Webster]

Go, Michael, of celestial armies prince. --Milton. [1913 Webster]

Queen Elizabeth, a prince admirable above her sex. --Camden. [1913 Webster]

2. The son of a king or emperor, or the issue of a royal family; as, princes of the blood. --Shak. [1913 Webster]

3. A title belonging to persons of high rank, differing in different countries. In England it belongs to dukes, marquises, and earls, but is given to members of the royal family only. In Italy a prince is inferior to a duke as a member of a particular order of nobility; in Spain he is always one of the royal family. [1913 Webster]

4. The chief of any body of men; one at the head of a class or profession; one who is pre["e]minent; as, a merchant prince; a prince of players. ``The prince of learning.'' --Peacham. [1913 Webster]

{Prince-Albert coat}, a long double-breasted frock coat for men.

{Prince of the blood}, {Prince consort}, {Prince of darkness}. See under {Blood}, {Consort}, and {Darkness}.

{Prince of Wales}, the oldest son of the English sovereign.

{Prince's feather} (Bot.), a name given to two annual herbs ({Amarantus caudatus} and {Polygonum orientale}), with apetalous reddish flowers arranged in long recurved panicled spikes.

{Prince's metal}, {Prince Rupert's metal}. See under {Metal}.

{Prince's pine}. (Bot.) See {Pipsissewa}. [1913 Webster]

The Collaborative International Dictionary of English. 2000.

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