Ball lightning

Ball lightning
Lightning Light"ning (l[imac]t"n[i^]ng), n. [For lightening, fr. lighten to flash.] 1. A discharge of atmospheric electricity, accompanied by a vivid flash of light, commonly from one cloud to another, sometimes from a cloud to the earth. The sound produced by the electricity in passing rapidly through the atmosphere constitutes thunder. [1913 Webster]

2. The act of making bright, or the state of being made bright; enlightenment; brightening, as of the mental powers. [R.] [1913 Webster]

{Ball lightning}, a rare form of lightning sometimes seen as a globe of fire moving from the clouds to the earth.

{Chain lightning}, lightning in angular, zigzag, or forked flashes.

{Heat lightning}, more or less vivid and extensive flashes of electric light, without thunder, seen near the horizon, esp. at the close of a hot day.

{Lightning arrester} (Telegraphy), a device, at the place where a wire enters a building, for preventing injury by lightning to an operator or instrument. It consists of a short circuit to the ground interrupted by a thin nonconductor over which lightning jumps. Called also {lightning discharger}.

{Lightning bug} (Zo["o]l.), a luminous beetle. See {Firefly}.

{Lightning conductor}, a lightning rod.

{Lightning glance}, a quick, penetrating glance of a brilliant eye.

{Lightning rod}, a metallic rod set up on a building, or on the mast of a vessel, and connected with the earth or water below, for the purpose of protecting the building or vessel from lightning.

{Sheet lightning}, a diffused glow of electric light flashing out from the clouds, and illumining their outlines. The appearance is sometimes due to the reflection of light from distant flashes of lightning by the nearer clouds. [1913 Webster]

The Collaborative International Dictionary of English. 2000.

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  • Ball lightning — is an atmospheric electrical phenomenon, the physical nature of which is still controversial. The term refers to reports of luminous, usually spherical objects which vary from pea sized to several meters in diameter. It is sometimes associated… …   Wikipedia

  • ball lightning — n. a rare form of lightning seen as a short lived, reddish, glowing ball, up to about a foot in diameter, that appears to float in the air or move rapidly along the ground before disintegrating …   English World dictionary

  • ball lightning — a rare form of lightning, consisting of a bright, luminous ball that moves rapidly along objects or floats in the air. Also called globe lightning. [1855 60] * * * ▪ atmospheric phenomenon also called  globe lightning        a rare aerial… …   Universalium

  • ball lightning — Fireball Fire ball , n. 1. (Mil.) A ball filled with powder or other combustibles, intended to be thrown among enemies, and to injure by explosion; also, to set fire to their works and light them up, so that movements may be seen. [1913 Webster]… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • ball lightning — kamuolinis žaibas statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. ball lightning; fireball; globular lightning vok. Kugelblitz, m rus. шаровая молния, f pranc. éclair sphérique, m; foudre en boule, f; foudre globulaire, f …   Fizikos terminų žodynas

  • ball lightning — kamuolinis žaibas statusas T sritis ekologija ir aplinkotyra apibrėžtis Švytintis, kartais kibirkščiuojantis 10–20 cm skersmens ugnies kamuolys, susidarantis dažniausiai po linijinio žaibo. Išsilaiko nuo 1 iki keleto minučių, juda be garso, per… …   Ekologijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas

  • ball lightning — noun Date: 1857 a rare form of lightning consisting of luminous balls that may move along solid objects or float in the air …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • ball lightning — noun a rare form of lightning in the shape of a moving luminous globe …   English new terms dictionary

  • ball lightning — noun : an extremely rare form of lightning consisting of highly luminous balls that move with moderate speed and usually disappear without an explosion …   Useful english dictionary

  • ball lightning — noun A short lived, glowing ball sometimes observed to float in the air; thought to consist of ionized gas associated with thunderstorms …   Wiktionary

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