
Baronet Bar"on*et, n. [Baron + -et.] A dignity or degree of honor next below a baron and above a knight, having precedency of all orders of knights except those of the Garter. It is the lowest degree of honor that is hereditary. The baronets are commoners. [1913 Webster]

Note: The order was founded by James I. in 1611, and is given by patent. The word, however, in the sense of a lesser baron, was in use long before. ``Baronets have the title of 'Sir' prefixed to their Christian names; their surnames being followed by their dignity, usually abbreviated Bart. Their wives are addressed as 'Lady' or 'Madam'. Their sons are possessed of no title beyond 'Esquire.''' --Cussans. [1913 Webster]

The Collaborative International Dictionary of English. 2000.

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